As part of Dasara Exhibition 2024, Women and Child Sub-Committee has organised the following competitions for women aged above 18 years at P. Kalingarao Ganamantapa in Dasara Exhibition Grounds in city on Dec. 18 from 2 pm onwards: Hitting the bucket blindfolded; Needle and the thread; Lemon and the spoon; glass pyramid formation; shot-put; ‘kere dada’; Bomb in the city; Aliguli Mane; Chowka bhara; Ghattemane; Aane Kallu. For details, contact Mob: 96116-00103. The Sub-Committee has also organised chess competition for children at Kalingarao Ganamantapa on Dec. 22 at 11 am in two categories — 6-12 years and 13-18 years. Participants should carry their own chess board and pawns. For details and registration, contact Mob: 96116-00103.
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