The decision of Mysuru City Traffic Police to commence a ‘Photo Clicking Drive” (Now Traffic Police will click photos of traffic violations on mobile phones in SOM dated July 6) is really commendable.
Right under the nose of the Traffic Police, some motorists (it is observed that a violator by default violates multiple traffic rules) violate all the traffic rules and these violators are not at all bothered or scared about the presence of the Traffic Police in the vicinity.
Traffic Police posted at different locations are the best persons to capture the wrong doings of the motorists. They get a better view of the traffic violations. By clicking the photos by the Police, number of traffic rules violations can definitely be brought down.
At present most of the traffic cops sit under the traffic umbrella in a relaxed mood or stand at some discreet points attending to the calls in their mobile phones, unmindful of the traffic rules violations. By awarding weekly prizes to the Police Constables who click highest number of traffic violation photos, probably they will become more energised and pro-active.
It may not be out of context if I add that in my letter “Public Eye and the Traffic Police” appearing in Star of Mysore dated 1st October 2019, I had suggested this idea of traffic cops shooting the photos of the traffic rules violators, to reduce the number of violations.
– K. Chandrahas, Mysuru, 7.7.2020
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