Arya Samaj has organised Rushi Bodhotsav, special yagna and Arya Bhajans as part of Shivarathri festival celebrations on Mar. 4 at 5.30 pm at its centre, No. 1965/1, Kotwal Ramaiah Street, Devaraja Mohalla, Mysuru-1, according to a press release.
Free Astrology Classes
March 3, 2019Bharatiya Samskriti Vidyakendra will be conducting Astrology classes from Mar. 8 at its centre in Ramakrishnanagar. Interested may register their names with Astrologer Prof. K. Keshavamurthy on his Mob: 98459-35080.
Free workshop
March 3, 2019A free workshop on the topic “Living in Meditation” based on J. Krishnamurti’s teachings will be held on Mar. 10 from 10 am to 2 pm at Dhvanyaloka Centre for Indian Studies, Bogadi Road, Mysuru. Interested may register by Mar. 8 with Counsellor Swarnagowri on Mob: 97318-63041.
Dodda Jathre
March 3, 2019Sikanteshwaraswamy Dodda Jathre celebrations will be held from Mar.12 to 23 at Nanjangud town in the district. The ‘Gowthama Panchamaharathotsava’ will held on Mar. 19 on the auspicious timings between 6.40 am to 7 am and Teppotsava will be held at Kapila River on Mar. 21 at 7 pm, according to a press release from…
Pig rearers warned
March 3, 2019The MCC Commissioner has warned all pig rearers to rear the animals in their premises without allowing them to stray on roads as they are attacking people, polluting the city as well as causing inconvenience to the public. In a press release, the MCC Commissioner said that authorities had received several complaints of pigs injuring…
Nominated to KSOU
March 3, 2019Chamaraja Constituency MLA L. Nagendra has been nominated as a Member of the Management Board of Karnataka State Open University (KSOU), Mysuru.
Free hearing camp at AIISH on Mar.4
March 2, 2019World Hearing Day is observed on Mar. 3 every year by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to raise awareness on prevention and control of hearing loss and to promote ear and hearing care. The theme for World Hearing Day-2019 is ‘Check your Hearing’ to draw attention on the importance of early identification and intervention for…
Aero Show fire: Help Desk
March 2, 2019With more than 300 cars destroyed by the massive fire that broke out during Aero India Show at Yelahanka Airbase near Bengaluru on Feb.23, the Transport Department has set up a Help Desk for the benefit of car owners at Yelahanka Regional Transport Office (RTO). The owners of cars destroyed in the fire can call…
Seminar for farmers on Mar.6, 7
March 2, 2019The College of Horticulture, Yelawal, Mysuru, is organising a two-day district-level seminar for farmers on “Advances in production technologies of ginger, turmeric and black pepper” on Mar.6 and Mar. 7 at 10.30 am. Experienced ginger, turmeric and black pepper Growers, Scientists, Processors and Traders will be the resource persons. Those interested may register on Mob:…
12 industries bag awards
March 2, 2019Twelve industries in Mysuru, Mandya and Chamarajanagar districts have bagged the Sir M. Visvesvaraya Manufacturing Excellence and Export Award for the year 2017-18. N. Ranga Rao & Sons, JK Tyre & Industry and New Bio Scientific Company in Mysuru and Jubilant Generics Ltd. and Nestle India Ltd. in Nanjangud have bagged the Export Award while…
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