Fairoz Khan (56), a businessman and a resident of Hanumanthanagar in Bannimantap passed away this morning following cardiac arrest. He leaves behind his mother, wife, four daughters, brothers, sisters and a host of relatives and friends. Namaz-e-Janaza will be held today evening, followed by the burial at the Muslim Burial Grounds near Tipu Circle.
Sathyanarayana Rao Shastry
August 20, 2020Sathyanarayana Rao Shastry (71), a resident of LIC Colony in Srirampura, passed away yesterday following heart attack. He was a purohit by profession and uncle of Arjun Guruji, a religious thinker. Last rites were performed at the foot of Chamundi Hill yesterday, according to sources.
G. Rajushetty
August 19, 2020G. Rajushetty (87), Proprietor of Bhargavi Theatre and a resident of Angadi Beedhi, passed away yesterday. He leaves behind his wife, four sons and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were performed at the burial grounds on the banks of River Kapila, according to sources.
Simon Andrews
August 19, 2020Simon Andrews (64), a resident of Lourdnagar in city, passed away this morning following cardiac arrest. An Electrician by profession, he leaves behind three daughters and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites will be held at Gandhinagar cemetery at 3.30 pm today.
B.N. Nayak
August 19, 2020B.N. Nayak (70), newspaper distributor and a resident of T.K. Layout, passed away at a private hospital early this morning following brief illness. President of Mysuru District Press Representatives Association (Mysuru Jilla Patrika Prathinidigala Sangha), he leaves behind his wife, two daughters and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were held at Muktidhama…
Peter Moses
August 18, 2020Peter Moses (80), retired Deputy General Manager of the then Vikrant Tyres and a resident of Gokulam passed away this morning in city. He leaves behind one son, one daughter, grand children and a host of relatives and friends. Cremation took place today, according to family sources.
August 18, 2020Mahadevamma (Mahadevi Shivanna), wife of well-known photographer and journalist S.L. Shivanna and a resident of Ponnampet in Kodagu, passed away this morning at a private hospital in city following brief illness. She was 65. She leaves behind her husband, sons Shylendra and Mahesh, one daughter and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were…
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