Chandrashekar Bhairy (62), former President of Madiwala Association and a resident of Bharat Nagar in Sathagalli, passed away yesterday in city. He leaves behind his wife, two sons, one daughter and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were held at the foot of Chamundi Hill.
Nagaraja Swamy
March 24, 2024Nagaraja Swamy (72), senior Advocate and a resident of Kuvempunagar, passed away following a heart attack on Friday night in city. He had served as a Professor at JSS Law College and an Advocate for 40 years. He leaves behind his wife Mangala, son Mahadevaprasad, daughter-in-law, grandson and a host of relatives and friends. Last…
M.L. Devaraju
March 24, 2024M.L. Devaraju (69), son of late Lingegowda and a resident of Sarvajna Road in Kuvempunagar ‘J’ Block, passed away yesterday in city. A native of Maragowdanahalli in Malavalli taluk, he leaves behind his wife, one son, one daughter and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were held today.
Maletira Chimy Nanjapa
March 24, 2024Maletira Chimy Nanjapa (86), wife of late M.M. Nanjapa and a resident of No. 348/B, 2nd Main Road, Gokulam 3rd Stage, passed away yesterday in city. She was the Trustee of Kodava Deenabandhu Charitable Trust, Mysuru. She is survived by two sons (Apaya and Bopana) and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were…
G. Savithri
March 22, 2024G. Savithri (73), retired Librarian at Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering (SJCE) and a resident of Jayalakshmipuram, passed away on Mar. 20 in city. She leaves behind her mother, sister, sister’s son and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were held ar Mukthidhama in Vijayanagar 4th Stage on the same day, according to…
B.J. Mahabal Raj
March 22, 2024B.J. Mahabal Raj (69), retired employee of SBM and a resident of Shakthinagar, passed away following brief illness this morning in city. He leaves behind his wife, one daughter and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were held at the foot of Chamundi Hill today.
March 21, 2024Narasamma (70), wife of Govindappa and a resident of Adipampa Road in Gokulam 2nd Stage, passed away yesterday in city. She leaves behind her husband, children, daughters-in-law, son-in-law, grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were held at Chirashantidhama in Gokulam this afternoon.
Rosy Veigas
March 21, 2024Rosy Veigas (94), wife of late Peter D’Souza and a resident of Vijayanagar 4th Stage, 2nd Phase, passed away this morning in city. She leaves behind three sons, two daughters and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral was held at Belavadi Cemetery this afternoon, according to family sources.
March 20, 2024Deepak (42), a resident of Thyagaraja Colony and brother of City Municipal Council Member Sannakki Babu, passed away following a heart attack yesterday. He leaves behind his mother, brothers, sister, wife and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were held near Lingabhattara Gudi this afternoon.
Alemada Arjun
March 20, 2024Alemada Arjun (78), a businessman and a resident of V.P. Bore in the town, passed away at a private hospital in Mysuru yesterday. He leaves behind his wife, one son, two daughters, daughter-in-law, sons-in-law and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were held at the burial grounds next to the Taluk Office in…
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