Cesc has provided 1912 phone number for the Central Complaints section to register power supply related complaints 24×7. It is a good service by the CESC to its consumers.
But this telephone will become very busy when there is total power supply failure in a feeder which feeds thousands of houses in an extension of Mysuru city. We are unable to contact during emergency. Yesterday night there was heavy wind and rain in J. P. Nagar. A big tree branch fell on the secondary power lines at E-Block, J.P. Nagar. This telephone was completely engaged and I could not intimate the snag in the power supply lines.
I request the authorities concerned to look into this and solve the problem. Earlier in each area wise, a service station was provided with separate telephone and an operator, for registering the complaints. Now the ‘central complaints’ has been established with 1912 telephone which covers the entire city of Mysuru.
– Nagendra Kumar, P. Nagar E- Block, 20.5.2018
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