The Annual General Body Meeting of CSIR-CFTRI Pensioners Welfare Association (CPWA), Mysuru, was held on Jan. 21 in the IFTTC auditorium, CFTRI campus. Octogenarians were felicitated on the occasion. Seen are (sitting from left) Bhagya Lingaswamy (EC), Dr. S. Ramamani, Peerarn, A. Narayanaswamy and N. Sathyanarayana; (standing from left) EC members K.V. Krishnamurthy, Y.S.R Rao, B. Vasu, Umesh Holla, Dr. Yella Reddy, Dr. N. Krishnamurthy (President), Dr. Renu Agrawal (Secretary), Sunita Eipson (Treasurer), Krishna Rao, Dr. N. Chandrashekhara and Srimati Hariprasad.

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