Kalasharadi Academy of Dance, Mysuru, celebrated its 1st Annual Day at Sri Nadabrahma Sangeetha Sabha recently during which the students of the institute trained by Vidu. Disha Sharath presented Bharatanatyam. The students were accompanied by Vid. S. Rakesh (Vocal), Vidu. Disha Sharath (Natuvanga), Vid. Tumkur B. Shashishankar (Mridanga), Vid. C.N. Thyagarajan (Flute) and Vid. R. Srikanth (Violin). The programme was inaugurated by Vid. Vyasatheerthacharya and the chief guests for the event were Dr. B.R. Nataraj Jois, Vidu. Deepika Pandurangi and Vikram Aiyangar.

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