The ancient Chinese metaphysics known as Feng Shui says that the land’s energy could either make or break the kingdom. Hence this metaphysical science was most revered in the ancient times under certain emperors’ regime.
Theories of yin and yang, as well as Feng Shui form some of the basic principles of Taoism and the fundamentals of this metaphysical science.
As many are aware, the word Feng means wind and Shui means water, though Feng Shui is based on a structure of Five Elements or materials and how these elements interact between each other the key to good Feng Shui and energy flow is in organising the design and the interiors of a building. The art and science of Feng Shui translates these elements into concrete design principles, giving a balance between these elements and their associated materials, colours and shapes.
Attracting strong Chi, or Feng Shui energy into one’s home or office is of primary importance. A strong, vibrant flow of Chi in your premises will keep nourishing your personal energy, thus allowing you to focus on and achieve whatever goals you have for yourself. It is said that if your home is cluttered, dimly lit and has poorly arranged furniture, Feng Shui principles state that the life of the occupants will be filled with obstacles and present few opportunities for growth. As a result, career, relationships, finances and health and all aspirations become stagnant. Be sure the Chi, or Feng Shui energy, runs smoothly throughout your whole house, and that each and every room has the ability to keep and nourish good Chi.
The ancient Chinese art of living in harmony with your environment can help spruce up your home and simultaneously create balance and joy. To start with, carefully study the outside of your house, and see if you can identify any sources of negative, or low Chi.
In Feng Shui, a hard-to-read house number or a blocked walkway to a door will prevent positive energy from entering the home. Any house features such as stairs, doors or windows that are broken or not working restrict the flow of positive energy; hence maintaining the house in order is part of Good Feng Shui. Have Good Quality Air and Good Quality Light in your house. These two elements are essential for good Feng Shui energy in your home. Open the windows often, introduce Feng Shui air-purifying plants or use an air-purifier.
• Clear the bad vibes that accompany clutter. • Go through your home with a keen eye to what no longer serves you.
• Furniture should be positioned so as not to restrict free passage through the room, as this is a reflection of the flowing of energy.
• To infuse a space with joy, use rose and orange essential oils. Rose is about love. Orange is about joy. So you’re infusing joyful love into your space.
• Displays of fresh flowers and plants promote positive energy, although ones with thorns should be avoided.
• Jade plants and fountains are symbols that represent wealth and finance in Feng Shui and they purify the air too.
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