The students of The Orchids Public School have bagged five gold, two silver and two bronze medals in the AstroQuest exams (2018-19) organised by SDRO (Scientific Development and Research Organisation). Seen in the picture are (from left – standing) A. Ranya (Class 5 – Gold), Ridhi Kiran (Class 7 – Gold), R. Prajwal (Class 8 – Gold), R.S. Pranava Athreya (Class 5 – Silver), Y. Likhith (Class 9 – Gold), Yukhta S. Murthi (Class 5 – Bronze), C. Rachana (Class 7 – Silver) and P. Amrutha Bindu (Class 7 – Bronze); Sitting: Mentor B.R. Bhuvana, Vice-Principal S. Chethana and Mentor Sachin Rangaswamy. S.K. Sameer (Class 3 – Gold) – not in picture. SDRO designs scientific and educational astronomy curriculum and content to improvise the level of astronomical skills in students. The Orchids Public School also has an Astronomy Club to trigger the curiosity and the satisfaction of the knowledge in the minds of young aspiring astronomers.

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