New Delhi meeting turns positive for KSOU

New Delhi meeting turns positive for KSOU

June 22, 2017

New Delhi: Over 90,000 students from Mysuru and other parts of the country who have taken up distance education courses from the Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) will finally get relief as positive signals are emerging out of a meeting held in New Delhi yesterday between the KSOU authorities and the UGC officials.

The UGC withdrew its recognition to KSOU from 2012-13 through a public notice in June 2015. Since then, KSOU has been making efforts to get back the recognition. The courses were de-recognised on June 15, 2015 for violating jurisdiction and other guidelines. The  institution, since then, has had two zero years (2015-16 and 2016-17).

Yesterday’s meeting was facilitated by Union Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) and was attended by University Grants Commission (UGC) officials. Sources said that the meeting was chaired by MHRD Secretary. MHRD Joint Secretary, UGC Secretary, Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Karnataka, Ratna Prabha, KSOU Vice-Chancellor Prof. D. Shivalingaiah and Registrar Dr. K.G. Chandrashekar were other participants.

It was the first time that the MHRD has taken the initiative to convene a meeting bringing together UGC, Karnataka Government and KSOU together to resolve the imbroglio that has threatened the future of thousands of students who have already taken up courses and who had made plans to study in the University.

Speaking to Star of Mysore this morning, KSOU Vice-Chancellor Prof. D. Shivalingaiah said that the meeting was fruitful where the UGC officials heard KSOU’s case patiently.

“We returned from New Delhi last night and as a first step, we may get permission to commence admissions for the year 2017-18. The UGC is expected to communicate this in writing in one or two weeks,”  he said.

“The UGC officials were silent on our request for restoring the recognition with retrospective effect from 2012. We hope that this request will be considered,” Prof. Shivalingaiah said.

“When we had met earlier, we have seen UGC officials objecting to our every move and had outrightly rejected many of our proposals. But yesterday, they were considerate as we had submitted all relevant documents,” he said.  

Prof. Shivalingaiah said that according to UGC officials, new rules and norms to govern Universities and distance education Universities are being formulated. “We have been told to adhere to the rules,” he added.

59 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “New Delhi meeting turns positive for KSOU”

  1. Sairam says:

    Hope the positive result will come soon and my son will get his convocation soon

    • rohit says:

      I did not get consolidate marks card & convocation certificate

    • Harish says:

      Still no reaponse from UGC….
      After 8 days…
      Please respond requesting you UGC…
      Students carrier are in vain…

    • Ganesh says:

      We are waiting for Final Sem exam from KSOU.
      This we are waiting since last two years…hope ksou understand and take urgent action

  2. Karthik says:

    Resorting the recognition from 2012 still no clarity… University putting lakhs of students future in trouble.first priority must be get the recognition from 2012-2015

  3. Dinesh singh says:

    Lakhs of students are eagerly waiting for the UGC recognition from 2012 onwards. It’s not cleared yet. So kindly give first priority to get the recognition from 2012 to 2015. Kindly take this case also seriously

  4. Nithin kumar says:

    Every time Ksou gives first priority to recognition of taking new admission… and says two zero years… no funds to run university… who are responsible for that???
    What about the future of students who already completed bachelor degrees since 2012-13 and left with certificates which have no values in the society… first restore the recognition to degree courses from 2012-13….

  5. Syed says:

    What abt technical degree holders who has completed UG & PG Degrees.. Pls give justice or give Return fees and time spent for the fake degree with the fake university.

    • Syed says:

      Pls restore the recognition from 2012 to 2015 for Technical, Non-Technical, paramedical, professional and Management courses. Without giving any clarity to students/parents they are blauntly announcing the issuing the degree certificate without any approvals from UGC/AICTE/HRD/DEB. Why University has not fund..? Where the fund gone since Technical are conducting all over India and even Abroad. Due to waste Government of Karnataka…all students of KSOU all over the India facing problems. I don’t believe their Degree Certificates are Valid or Not Valid in any jobs or govt jobs or govt exams to apply or even abroad. So, beware students even they issue certificates in convocation, we have to take official letter from HRD&UGC yhe the respective degrees/diplomas issued by KSOU are valid anywhere at jobs or at exams or further higher studies.

    • dr.m.shanthakumar says:

      much against the ugc/aicte norms granting technical courses in ksou was a great mischief by an earlier vc ! he must be punished.

  6. Abhay says:

    What’s about diploma and engineering student they already take admition.

  7. Vinodkumar says:

    Bsc .hw/nw course is stopped in 2015 how is possible please completed the course who is pending till 4 sem paper is given exam what about 5,6 so please completed the both sem what about student feature

  8. Purushotham says:

    Ksou is not acting like a university,first there priority shld have been to get recognized from 2012. Students are being cheated in a large scale by an government university..#first justice to enrolled students then proceed with new admission.

  9. chayan says:

    When get recognition ksou from ugc? When will be released original certificate from ksou ?

  10. CK Parmeshwar Prasd says:

    As we suffered a lot by this government and KSOU where we studied, wrote exam and got marks card and completion certificate. We didn’t do fake , at least consider our request sympathetically
    CKP Prasad
    Ex-sevice man

  11. Binnu says:

    No response from KSOU people for single
    information we are waited more than 2hours

  12. Surjeet says:

    I have also completed my 2 exams and 2 exams are pending in bsc it i have also deposited my fees of both semesters i am waiting for my bsc completed. Life barbad ho jayegi i need justice new admission ki baad mai soch lena pehle sab pending cases complete karo

  13. manish says:

    M student of diploma and last two year my exam be held but till now no positive results and nobody give ri8 text pls pls pls tell

  14. NISHA says:

    Hoping to get a positive results from ksou as waiting for 3rd sem results and final sem exams ,asmy 2 years has got wasted ,and i have lost good post just for the name of Ksou and its recognisation so please do the needful,it would be a great help

  15. Karan says:

    When will get recognition from ugc ? My 2 semester is pending.

  16. Isha Sood says:

    I have completed my M. Tech in IT from Karnataka State Open University in year 2010.I have got admission in Ph. Din CSE from Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki Vishvavidyalya, Bhopal in year 2017.I need to submit migration certificate from the University from which I had completed my M. Tech. I have sent a DD (1500) and all other documents as told by a person in migration certificate department of the University on 12/7/17,but till date I didn’t not received my migration certificate. Please issue my migration certificate because without migration certificate my admission will be stand cancelled. Please help

  17. pawan kumar says:

    i am pawan kumar from gaya bihar. i conpleted my blibs course in yhe year 2015. kindly tell my certificate is valid or not.

  18. Sandheep V H says:

    Being Government Institution people are careless and spoiling our city name these people are least bothered about students life what should we call them who cheated education? Thiefs do pick pocket to fill their stomach and this University is cheating people in the name of Education. What is our Education Minister doing here useless Government, Shame on you people

  19. Sumit says:

    Pls confirm recognized details…its recognized or not…degree value??

  20. I have completed Diploma In Electrical from KSOU in 2014. I have got opportunity in reputed organization so I need to submit migration certificate from the university which is i had completed diploma i had sent a DD INR. 950 and all other documents as told by Institute on 2015, but still date i don’t received migration certificate from University. request you to please issue my migration certificate .

    Also I wont to take admission in BE so kindly advise me.

  21. BINIT AGRAWAL says:

    I have completed 1 year of MSc and last year left….plz co-operate to complete our career…

  22. c p yadav says:

    According to public notices of UGC ,DEGREE/ DIPLOMA through distance mode (KARNATKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY KARNATKA ) is not RECOGNISED for Govt. job and also not for pursuing higher education, how can any person can get opportunity in reputed organization ?

  23. Bhuvnesh sharma says:

    How much time left for results of KSOU Is fake or not…..?

  24. salim says:

    when I was studying, for its syllabus, conducting exams and awarding the degrees and even for getting Jobs KSOU had very good reputation and respect among all universities, which was proud all of us that, in Karnataka such good university is there..! but after that some nonsense Authorities used their power to grab the money for their families by appointing useless fellows by taking suitecases. resulting that, they were escaped and may be retaired..and the bad name follows to our state the Govt. should not appoint such officials those who good for nothing..!! Jai Karnataka

  25. King says:

    Ksou university is Gud.. But before one chairman krishnegowda ,that idiot is taking money and printing fake marks cards.
    Then actually UGC given approrval only for non- technical courses.. …. Very bad people all ksou officer and teachers play game with 1lak more then students …its not fair now all are corrupted that university……

  26. Manjunath says:

    Hello sir I have Completed my b. Com in the year 2015 but still I didn’t get my convocation certificate, please give me the suggestion

  27. Poonam says:

    I have done in Animation in 2014 but still I didn’t get my convocation certificate and degree, I am waiting from 3 year please give me any suggestion and take any decision as soon as possible

  28. Sowmya says:

    I completed my degree on 2013 and msc on 2015…Is this degree valid or not plz tell me…

  29. Pawan says:

    I’m waiting for my 5th & 6th marks cards…. KSOU administration has asked me to get the 3rd & 4th Sem marks card for validation… So on my way to the university….. Will keep you all posted after the verification….
    Couser: BCA
    year: 2012-2013
    State: Karnataka

  30. preeti says:

    Really this is totally wastage of time and money ..If this government is not able to resolve the matter then all students from KSOU whether technical,nontechnical ,medical or any other stream ….all commit not to give vote in favour of BJP government because .these peoples are playing with all the students life …Central universities are launching online programmes in various streams then how that is recognised by these stupid UGC and DEB or AICTe …..its simply there game ..They simply ruin our carrer …..Its all due to that samriti IRani …..who herself is distance education holder …

  31. Aditya says:

    I am waiting for my provisional certifiacte nd migration … I have completed my bscit from ksou during 2012-15…..its 2years i havent got these certificate god knows when all these issues a going to be cleared hope this gov will bring some good news for us ….

  32. CHETAN PATIL says:


  33. MONU TIWARI says:


  34. Prathap says:

    Hi sir am complete degree BA at 2015-16. Once you confirm wt about ksou corruption…
    Now we continue the degree means joining the MA …
    Now resolve the problem or NOT

  35. Ayesha sulthana says:

    I have not got my B. Com convacation of 2013 and my MBA 3 & 4 sem marks card and MBA convacation please help all of to get our certifications as soon as possible

  36. Sofiyan khan says:

    I m waiting my provisional and migration certificate and original DIPLOMA. I completed my diploma during 2011-2014.plz help us asap……..

  37. CHITTARANJAN says:

    i am waiting my promotion is pending since 3 years. I passed out DCE course and submit my certificate for promotion.
    But till now it is not valid without UGC certification.Please UGC may take a positive action.

    • JP says:

      Bro, I’m n the same situation for the past one and half yrs. Have spent 30k for the course. Waste of money and time.

  38. shara says:

    i have completed diploma in civil engg. and also i am doing a job one privet company, For future purpose i had done B’ tech in UGC i cleared first year, Later they are not calling for next exams and every where asking degree certificate hence i am not getting any job and any promotions same problem facing many peoples so please don’t play with life resolve this issue soon.

  39. Kamaljeet Singh says:

    I have completed my MBA exams in February/ March 2015 and received all semesters mark sheets. Now can I get my degree or provision certificate if UGC matter is resolved?

  40. Pcsreddy says:

    I need migration certificate for phd enrollment for engineering if I apply will get or not at present please reply sir

  41. Sir ,I completed 1 St year bsc 2015 out of state (studies center ) in KSOU but 2nd & final exam not run…I completely lost sir plz …plz sir Help us and sortout problem ..

  42. ANJUM says:

    my application for BEd entrance through ignou was rejected stating that as i have completed my BA degree through KSOU in 2013 , iam not eligible for admission , three years of hardwork went vain plz help. what shall i do. What about my career next ?……

  43. Tanaji says:

    Kindly support for technical students..

  44. Pallavi says:

    I have done MSW in 2011 to 2013. I just want to ask it’s valid or not. Because now I have I came to know that they had banned it. Please let me know. Because I’m trying job abroad.

  45. Safeen says:

    I have completed my first year msc but didnt di my second year bcoz of ksou iss ues how should i do my second year

  46. Premkumar says:

    I have completed my diploma 2015 waiting for promotion since 3 years please help sir ,we are requesting UGC we need your fair full support for our future …. definitely your support for students must needed….

  47. archana k,s says:

    i have completed my pg in nutrition and dietics 2015 in ksou ,but till now i dnnt received my marks card,please find some solution soon for this problem or else we all students wont do vote,before election please slove this issue.

  48. Sallu says:

    Please give exams for final semester students of BCA if UGC problems are solved and provide our final semester marks sheet and Final Certificate., it has been said notifications and exam dates to conduct exams will be sent to the conserned institutes in one or two week , please do follow the rule as said and give justice for all the students.

  49. Reality says:

    Is there any commitments from the University to their students of 2013 + yrs as when the marksheet / certificate can be issued from the University, as KSOU is solely responsible for this lapse on their side and the students are getting penalized for no fault of them


    what about the future of b tech student during the period 2011-2014.UGC may take possitve action for the student.Many student are getting shame for getting the degree.Their time, money and personality has ruined in the society.

  51. JAGADEESH says:


  52. Jyoti says:

    Ramdas deserves the full credit for this recognition! All other politicians were just making fool of us !


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