The installation ceremony of new team of office-bearers of Inner Wheel Club of Mysore South East for the year 2023-24 was held at ‘Shubhangi Bhavan’ in Jayanagar recently. Sitting from left: IPP Veena Ravindra, Installing Officer PDC Rajeshwari Gowda, President Meghana Gururaj, Hon. Secretary Srilakshmi Vasudevan, District Editor Uma Mahesh and District ISO Anitha Suresh; Standing from left: EC Member Shylashree Ganashankar, Vice-President Geetha Vishwanath, Joint Secretary Lalitha Ranganath, Treasurer Sarala Keshavamurthy, Editor S.A. Veena, ISO Seema Mariswamy and Web Co-ordinator Y.N. Shubha.

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