Mysuru: Amid the ongoing debate over renaming Princess Road to ‘Siddaramaiah Arogya Marga’ and the politics surrounding the issue, a group of residents, volunteers from various organisations including the Karnataka Rashtra Sena, and concerned citizens installed a plaque proclaiming the name ‘Princess Road,’ accompanied by the note: “This name was inaugurated in 1921 by Nalwadi Krishnaraja Wadiyar.”
The plaque was installed on the Elephant Statue pedestal in front of Swami Vivekananda statue in Cheluvamba Park, Yadavagiri. A ceremonial puja was conducted to mark the installation, emphasising the public sentiment to preserve the road’s historical identity.
District President of Karnataka Rashtra Sena, Adarsh Urs said Maharaja Nalwadi Krishnaraja Wadiyar had named the road ‘Princess Road’ in 1921. The name is documented in records of Postal and Railway Departments, making it historically significant and inappropriate to rename it as ‘Siddaramaiah Arogya Marga.’
“We have records to substantiate the name ‘Princess Road,’ yet MCC Commissioner Ashaad-Ur-Rehman Shariff claims there are no such records. This is misleading and we demand his removal for providing false information,” Urs stated.
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