Tumkur University Vice-Chancellor Prof. Y.S. Siddegowda (centre) and former Prasaranga Director Prof. C. Naganna (third from right) releasing two books titled ‘Universal Decimal Classification’ (English) and ‘Smart Granthalayagalu’ (Kannada) by Prof. Mallinath Kumbara (second from left) as part of National Library Week, organised by Mysore Librarians and Information Scientists Association (MyLISA) and Samvahana Prakashana at Manasangangothri in city recently. Others seen are (from left) Publisher D.N. Lokappa, MyLISA’s Dr. E.C. Ningaraja, former University of Mysore Librarian Dr. C. P. Ramasesh and Prof. N.S. Harinarayana.

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