This refers to the letter titled ‘Miserable condition of Ring Road towards Automotive Axles’ published in Star of Mysore on June 23. The concerns raised in the letter pertain to the stretch of road extending from Silent Shores Resort and Spa to Daksha College Road, which serves as a crucial link connecting Koorgalli to the right and State Highway 88, connecting Mysuru-Bantwal, to the left.
Regrettably, the entire length of this road has deteriorated to an alarming extent. It is characterised by deep craters that often collect stagnant water, posing a significant safety hazard and causing damage to vehicles, including school and college buses that frequently utilise this route.
We have diligently brought this deplorable situation to the attention of both Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board (KIADB) and Mysuru City Corporation (MCC), urging them to take immediate action to address these pressing concerns.
It is our sincere hope that the necessary steps will be taken expeditiously to rectify the situation. This should include the construction of drains to prevent water stagnation, the removal of accumulated garbage from both sides of the road, and the comprehensive rehabilitation of the road itself to ensure the highest safety standards and cleanliness.
We urge the authorities to prioritise the urgent restoration of the Ring Road as it plays a vital role in connecting various parts of the Mysuru city.
– Jayachandra Raju, Daksha College, Mysuru, 7.7.2023
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