Mysore/Mysuru: The impact of ‘Shakti,’ a free travel scheme for women in Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) buses, that has been hitting private transport sector, is gradually being felt on the trains too.
There has been a fall in the number of women passengers in trains, who were among a chunk of majority commuters in the general and sleeper coaches.
Mysuru-Solapur Golgumbaz Express that departs the Railway Station in Mysuru at 3.45 pm has been witnessing less number of women passengers for the last two days. So also on Mysuru-Bengaluru trains, Hassan and Chamarajanagar bound trains, the number of women passengers have been coming down.
However, women commuters continue to opt trains for inter-State journey, as their numbers remain steady, where the passengers book the tickets in advance. As the free bus travel scheme is restricted to Karnataka State, women have no option left other than travelling in trains, it is said.

Shun luxury buses
With more number of women turning towards regular KSRTC buses, making most of the Shakti scheme, the luxury bus services has been largely hit.
There have been a less of women passengers or sometimes none in Airavata, Ambari and electric buses and Rajahamsa the executive class buses.
Earlier, the women travellers from middle class families were boarding AC luxury buses to travel on Mysuru-Bengaluru route, shelling hefty fare. Now, barring the rich and techies who prefer to travel in the comfort of luxury buses, other categories of women have been taking regular buses on the same route.
The drivers and conductors of luxury buses are at the mercy of passengers as they have to wait till the minimum number of seats are filled, at KSRTC Sub-urban bus stand in Mysuru and satellite bus station in Bengaluru. Still, most of the empty seats are filled by male passengers.
Women voters will vote for Congress in the Lok Sabha seats too. Women are in substantial numbers among the voters population, and they can sink some BJP MPs.
Good strategy by the Karnataka Congress. Narendra Modi, the very person who left his wife to a life time of misery, should live to regret it , when Women punish his party.
The freebies are here to stay. If BJP alters them , they will be gone.
The AAP should introduce these freebies sin New Delhi.
UPSRTC has introduced 50 buses as Pink Services on intercity routes for women. They are also training women bus drivers by giving free 7 months training along with food and accommodation.After training they can drive heavy vehicles.Also they are recruiting woman support staff.These buses will have CCTV and panic button which will be connected to police number 100.KarnatakaSRTC can start such electric city buses and intercity buses.
ఉచితాలు ఉరితళ్ళతో సమానం గ్రహించు
Hey Kini
No point in citing examples from other states. Karnataka has to find its own solutions.
Stop being an arm chair problem solver. BTW, watch out the use of singular and plural names. I
Corrected version
Hey Kini
No point in citing examples from other states. Karnataka has to find its own solutions.
Stop being an arm chair problem solver. BTW, watch out the use of singular and plural names.
It is no use, @Kini, to look into the gift horse’s mouth, when the Congress government has introduced this free rides to Women, which is an excellent idea. You should know, words are easy to dish out, and suggestions are simpler to give out. But, this initiative is still in its infancy, and improvements will be made no doubt as the initiative gets into its full swing.
Shanthala, try and sacrifice someone whom you love and respect for the nation before commenting on the PM, just travel out of country and see what an effect our PM has done , many of us feel proud to be indian and happy and blessed to have a PM . You fall in the catagory of freebies.
New wine in fresh bottles always taste too good,only time will turn table
Shantala hope u received your electricity bill , in thta increase amount u can travel full 3 months
Freebie culture will ultimately hit hard to this star at near future. It cripples the economy It’s basically distributing your savings to everyone without any earning or cash inflow. When your bank balance gets to zero you will get the hit and when u will ask for more bailout package from modi sarkar they will give you a free hit on your back. A good example of freebie culture is Argentina. Look at their economy now , they are doomed. Looks like the opposition has made their mind to bring the economy down for their own intention. Govt should take some strict steps before it is too late .
@Kishor.. you are barking at the wrong tree! That filthy B!##CH does not live in Karnataka or probably in India. Many people who are supporting this just hate Modi and that’s all. Anybody with even a few brain cells can see that freebies are detrimental to the nation! It is the desperation of these thugs and stupid shortsighted greed of our voters makes them win. Kejrival is saying his strategy was used by Congress in Karnataka. Many countries like Argentina, Srilanka are all living examples of this failed policy. Yet many scoundrels in this section think Siddu achieved a miracle.
Sathish, this freebie for bus travel is hated by true economists as a bad one. It is hated by all the private bus operators, autoriksha owners, sane people and anybody who cares for india. But it is loved by pickpockets, scoundrels, Anti-India elements and a small section of women who are benefitted by free travel.
So, sit back and relax! Sooner or later people will realize what kind of snakes they elected when they start paying a heavy price!
During UPA LPG gas cylinder price was Rs 400 now it is Rs 1100 in Karnataka so just talking about the electricity bill is of no use
Our office female staff is also using ksrtc buses.
Freebies are going to spoil economy of Karnataka. Imagine how much loss Our RTC buses are incurring unless Congress Govt compensate them otherwise our situation will be like Srilanka and Pakistan. Rightly said by @Satish MG, we should be proud of Modi bringing India on world map where everyone wants to invest.
Congress is bang on the target 🎯 to destroy Karnataka… A flourishing state… People who are supporting free 🐝, please look at the misery of neighbouring state Andhra Pradesh… A state which had surplus electricity, budget, and started to build a future city Amaravati… Is now sold and mortgage every state assets including… Govt hospitals, parks, sand and future tax collection to maintain and still struggling to pay employees salaries every month… @shantala… Wake up kid 👏👏👏
Congress was against freebies in Delhi. Now they hv copied AAP everywhere. So, freebies r here to stay but only AAP can provide it bcos they r a honest party.
Getting free is interesting , but it is not so, govt. is not foolish to give from own Pocket. Govt has Raised EB Bill and Extracting Money from Middle class and Lower income groups and this Money is used for free Travel of Women.Passengers .
There are too many people who don’t understand the concept of basic economics. Freebies aren’t free, and eventually the bill will come due.
The freebies promised by the Congress are way too many, and will impose a heavy burden on the state over the next few years.
We are doomed by fools who only look at the short term.
One such example lies strong in the comments.
Freebies are here to stay, because people lose is only the government…who cares if this country goes the Sri Lanka or Pakistan way
Congress in Karnataka have given free bus rides to women and increased the prices of other things to recover the money. Giving with one hand and taking back with two hands. So ultimately public will be the losers and the crooked politicians get power to steal the state coffers….
Freebies sound death knell for economy. Unless people pay for using a service, they would never realise its importance and take it for granted. From the news item, it’s ‘side’ effect I.e. decrease in ridership of Railways and luxury buses is revealed. The most important question is for how long the state can afford it?
What is exactly the motive of this? And if there’s a plausible reason then it’ll be interesting to see how long the State govt. withstand it. This women empowerment freebie scheme is ultimately on the cost of taxpayers’ money (and we’re still at a stage where males contribute a lot more than women). I mean I’m not really against this gender biased freebie scheme but freebies which are already costing jobs for other players in the same market and are kinda unfair will ultimately have consequences in the long run. It simply can’t be sustained economically but as a short term lolipop it can definitely convert to more votes. It can have it’s pros definitely, getting women out of their homes and encouraging them to engage in education and work. So, it is upto the govt. what they can/want to get out of this.
Congress does not create wealth whether ruling or in opposition. Without wealth creation a nation can’t progress. Unfortunately the freebies are like an addiction, like the terrorists are first made addicts so that they can be controlled. The people Unfortunately are being given this drug of freebies, soon the people will get used to it and rebel when not given the same. George Soros team’s idea to destroy the nation?
Government just like larger family, if you spend money for stupid things, you just will not have money to buy essential things, free bus ticket, electricity are not important, ware as medical, education, food etc are important…
It’s shame for women to enjoy freebies again this shows that women are vulnerable to any gift can give up their self esteem, why they should target women and not men why men are not provided any freebies is again a question?
It is people like Shantala who fall for freebies that vote for parties that purchase votes by luring such greedy, immature , foolish elements. Their appetite for freebies will never end yet they will expect the best. Parties like the Congress ,AAP and others are ready to entice such elements and keep taking loans to pay the salaries. With such citizens India is doomed !
This is not a freebie as many are seeing. Free bus ride for the women will bring excellent results as far as women are concerned not only socially but economically too. Path breaking decision.
As an agent of foreign funded evangelic American NGO Congress is performing as per the directives of it’s masters.
@shantala madam you leave your family and work for country let us see the strength and guts you have. We are proud of PM as a IT person the kind of respect we have now was not there ,7years enjoy free which is our tax we pay for government.
This freebie culture is also present in Assam, a BJP ruled state with a scheme named Arunodoi in which Rs. 1250 is given to certain category of people monthly out of which Rs. 250 is for electricity. There are also other schemes like old age pension, widow pension to name a few.
I am not against freebies. But I have to pay extra rent, fuel prices, electricity bill, all because of these freebies. Paying tax regularly, GST and now the above increment. Congratulations to Congress for implementing progressive schemes and making few more big holes in my savings pocket.
People of Karnataka are going to get what they deserve by voting a party that has no vision but only declared freebies to come to power without thinking who will pay for it. Hope people will start realizing what miserable situation they are in, after seeing their electricity bills.
Oops. We are so intelligent !!! and still going from so called modern Era to 200 years back. Zero knowledge on Freebies.
You show a free deer in jungle to attract lion and you know the situation of Lion next moment. ..
You got the freebies because you are incapable of paying electricity bills, bus fare ??? Think twice. You are destroying country to become slave to others.
Live life a king and not a future slavery.
it is very bad decision by Karnataka government giving free ride to everyone.even to those who can Afford it. People should know that nothing is free some how people has to pay for it .once buses condition start detoriating there will be less number of buses on streets. AAP party has set bad example. You can see this through Delhi budget dificet it has increased last few years. Karnataka government has To electricity price to give free something else
These freebies are all gimmicks. Govt will just take the money from taxpayers pocket and put it here.
When it cums to karnataka politics, both congress and bjp are equally good at preventing clean people from coming to power
People getting freebies will think it’s their right and entitlement.This comes at cost of honest tax payer,who will very soon avoid paying taxes that go towards freebies.Parties promise freebies ONLY to get votes without thinking of country.We dedicated defence people have sacrificed lives just for greedy useless politicians who want to win only so that they can make their millions.End of day,govt will be bankrupt.Where will freebies come from, then???
Indians ki aukat kabhi nai badlegi. We’ll always take the short cut and beggar’s scraps before we vote for any actual development. That’s just our mindset. Short term goals, cut maaro, work as little as possible and then play the victim when you need a bailout package because NOTHING is ever free. Free electricity, free bus rides, free money. Even for the politicians lmao. Take your free bus ride and watch them eat your taxes.
Free bee will destroy karnataka budget. If you have no earning how development will take place? Ultimately you have to cut down some state government scheme expenses. Who is the looser, public.
Indians love anything that comes free. People dont understand long term impact. Looks like shantala madam does not know anything beyond karnataka. Nothing comrs free. They hiked electricity. Industries are protesting as they cannot afford such high bills. It will impact on employment. With this freebies, there wont be any infrastructure work. I have been in world geopolitics for 14 years. I know how yje world is viewing us now. India is the only country which has shown positive GDP inspite ukrain war.
ಕಟ್ಟಿಕೊಟ್ಟ ಬುತ್ತಿ..ಹೇಳಿಕೊಟ್ಟ ಮಾತು ತುಂಬಾ ದಿನ ನಡೆಯೋಲ್ಲ…ದೂರ ದೃಷ್ಟಿ ಇಲ್ಲದ , ಅಧಿಕಾರಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಮಾಡಿರುವ ಕೆಲಸ ಇದು…ನಮ್ಮ ದೇಶದ ಎಲ್ಲ ರಾಜ್ಯಗಳೂ ಹೀಗೇ ಮಾಡಿದರೆ ಏನಾಗಬಹುದು…ಇದು ದೇಶದ ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿಯ ಯೋಜನೆಯಲ್ಲ ..ದಿವಾಳಿ ಮಾಡುವ ಮೂರ್ಖ ಯೋಜನೆ… ಸಮಾಜವನ್ನು ಸೋಮಾರಿಯಾಗಿ ಮಾಡುವ..ದಿವ್ಯ ಯೋಜನೆ…ಇಂದಿನ ಲಾಭಕ್ಕೆ ನಗುತ್ತಿರುವ ಜನ ನಾಳೆ ಎಲ್ಲ ತಲೇಕೆಳಕದ್ದಾಗ..ಕಣ್ಣು ಕಣ್ಣು ಬಿಡುತ್ತಾರೆ…
ದುರ್ದೈವ… ಸರ್ಕಾರ ತೋಡಿದ ಹಳ್ಳಕ್ಕೆ ಬಿದ್ದ. ಕುರಿಗಳು ನಾವು