Hari Vidyalaya, Mysuru, in collaboration with the Cosmology Education and Research Training Centre (COSMOS), Vijnana Bhavan in Manasagangothri, Mysuru, will conduct a Skywatch programme on Feb. 6 from 6 pm to 8 pm at the school campus in Bogadi. N. Amoghavarsha, Project Associate-I, ‘COSMOS’, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Mysuru, and his team will guide the students through an unforgettable evening of star-gazing, planetary observations and celestial insights. Using high-powered telescopes, participants will get a chance to explore the wonders of night sky and gain fascinating astronomical knowledge.
This programme is open to students of Class 5 and above. Participation is through registration only. Those interested may register their names on Mob: 99860-32465 or 98865-29510.
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