The mystic knot is a popular Feng Shui symbol. It represents harmony, eternity, eternal love and harmonious existence. It is known to bring good luck as well.
It’s common to hear from many that they are going through a roller coaster in their relationships. When it pertains to someone close to you and you happen to know the couple, it gets difficult to take sides, advise or even support any one of them and yet you have the urge to help them to resolve.
Under such circumstances, the best possible approach would be to offer a support to harmonise their living space, bedroom and smoothen ruffled feathers and Feng Shui comes handy. By adapting basic remedies, most of the issues can be resolved.
A cluttered mind causes immense stress; It stands for disorder and chaos, which is harmful in terms of Feng Shui energies for a happy married life. To start implementing Feng Shui, the first step would be to remove all the clutter from the house, so that the energy can flow unhindered.
In order to relieve stress, be sure your bedroom has proper Feng Shui energy that helps your body renew and rejuvenate while you sleep. This can dissolve anger and give the opportunity to think with more care, love and compassion.
Check the southwest sector of your space for an unbalanced/ heavy flow of energy as compared to other areas of the home, in short look for laundry room, bathrooms, big closets or a car garage in this sector which represents the love/ marriage and relationship aspiration.
Next look at your bedroom, is it too dark, with very little natural light? Are your closets and cupboards overflowing, is the bed directly facing the bedroom door with no support on both sides, is the bed headboard sharing a toilet or kitchen stove on the other side of the wall.
To activate the good Feng Shui, place the following symbolic cures:
• Pair of boulders tied together with a red ribbon at SW of bedroom or the SW of the garden.
• Red decor or wall hanging at SW of bedroom.
• Place photos of the couple, more the better and place them in living and bedroom. However, if you’re single, avoid solitary images.
• Place pair of scented red candles at SW of bedroom.
• Birds or swans in pair on the bedside table.
• Greenery, especially flowers, is best when it is fresh, so keep real plants and flowers around in the house.
• The mystic knot is a popular Feng Shui symbol. It represents harmony, eternity, eternal love and harmonious existence. It is known to bring good luck as well.
• The symbol of two-eights represents eternity and it is a good representation for undying and eternal love, which can support a married life and also connect to the right partner for those who are single.
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