Chamarajanagar: Chief Minister Siddharamaiah yesterday inaugurated the JSS Hospital at Chamarajanagar, established at a cost of Rs. 25 crore. Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister said that the contribution of the Mutts in shoring up medical and educational facilities in the State was immense. Pointing out that the State Government had embarked on setting…
Moonlight music at Suttur Mutt tomorrow
May 9, 2017Mysuru: A vocal recital by Vid. N.R. Prashanth has been organised in the premises of Suttur Mutt at the foot of Chamundi Hill in city tomorrow (May 10) at 6 pm as part of its monthly Moonlight programme. He will be accompanied by C.N. Thyagarajan on violin and A. Radhesh on mridanga. Suttur Seer Sri…
Music concert at Suttur Mutt
April 13, 2017Vidu. Renuka Nakoda of Dharwad, accompanied by Pt. Veerabhadraiah Hiremath on harmonium and Pt. Raghunath Nakoda on the tabla, presenting a music concert at Suttur Mutt premises at the foot of Chamundi Hill on Tuesday as part of monthly moonlight music programme.
Use scarce water judiciously…
March 22, 2017A monkey, which is quenching its thirst from a tap near Suttur Mutt in Mysuru, seems to be giving a message ‘Use Water Judiciously’ as it has placed its other hand on the tap to close it after drinking on ‘World Water Day’ today which is being observed with the theme ‘Why Waste Water?’ The…
Moonlight music held at Suttur Mutt
March 13, 2017Vid. Ramana Balachandran is seen presenting a veena concert at Suttur Mutt in city yesterday as part of its monthly moonlight music programme. He is accompanied by S. Manjunath on ghata and Vid. Akshay Anand on mridanga.
Suttur Seer showers praise on Brahma Kumari Lakshmiji
February 18, 2017It was, perhaps, a joyous moment to Rajayogini Brahma Kumari Lakshmiji, Chief Co-ordinator, Brahma Kumaris, Mysuru Sub-Zone, when Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Swamiji of Suttur Mutt praised her for her instinct efforts in starting the 50-year-old Brahma Kumari Institution in Mysuru and further expanding it to the present level. He even recalled his Guru late Sri…
‘Mutual Trust helps in building a better society’
February 13, 2017Suttur Seer at ‘Gnana-Vignana Divya Darshan’ Mela Noting that mutual trust helps a lot in building a better society, Suttur Mutt Seer Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Swamiji said that meditation and spiritualism hold key for leading a stress-free life. He was speaking after inaugurating the 15-day ‘Gnana-Vignana Divya Darshan’ Mela organised by Prajapita Brahmakumaris Ishwariya Vishwa…
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