Mysuru: In separate cases, seven persons including three women have gone missing from Vijayanagar Police limits in city. In the first case, 48-year-old N.N. Nagaraju, who left his house on Nov. 17 at about 8.45 am, has since gone missing. The missing man is 5.5 ft. tall, normal built, oily red complexioned, oval faced, speaks…
Houses burgled at Yelwal, Vijayanagar
November 21, 2024Mysuru: In separate cases, two houses have been burgled in Yelwal and Vijayanagar Police limits. In the first case, burglars who broke into a house at Yelwal, have decamped with cash and gold jewellery worth Rs. 2.87 lakh from the house. The burglary took place at the house of Ram Mohan at Madagalli village, Yelwal…
Three including elderly woman go missing from city
November 11, 2024Mysuru: In separate cases, three persons, including an elderly woman, have gone missing from Vijayanagar Police limits in city. In the first case, 20-year-old M.S. Amrutha, an employee of a private factory, who left her house on Oct. 27, to write the test for Village Accountant post, has since gone missing, according to the complaint…
Private firm employee allegedly gang-raped at city hotel
November 5, 2024Mysuru: A girl, alleging that two youths had gang-raped her on the pretext of partying at a city hotel on Saturday night, has lodged a complaint with Vijayanagar Police on Sunday evening. The incident is said to have taken place at a hotel on the Outer Ring Road coming under Vijayanagar Police limits and the…
Woman arrested for ‘smothering’ husband to death
February 17, 2023Mysore/Mysuru: A 40-year-old man was allegedly murdered by his wife, for suspecting fidelity of the latter at Hootagalli in Vijayanagar Police limits in city on Wednesday (Feb.15). Manjunath, son of late Mill Siddegowda, who was residing near Marigudi at Hootagalli is the deceased. His wife Nikhita has been arrested by the Police on charges of…
Thief lifts scooter parked in front of house
December 30, 2021Incident captured on CCTV camera Mysore/Mysuru: A scooter, which was parked in front of a house at Railway Layout in Mahadeshwara Layout, coming under Vijayanagar Police limits, has been stolen by a thief and the whole incident has been captured by a CCTV camera. K.S. Tejasvini, a resident of the locality, had parked her Honda…
Girl among two missing
April 16, 2021Mysore/Mysuru: In separate incidents, a girl and a boy have gone missing from Vijayanagar and Hebbal Police limits in city. In the first incident, a 14-year-old girl, who left her house on Apr. 5 has since gone missing. The missing girl is B. Mythri, a resident of Hinkal in city. She is 4.5 ft. tall,…
Elderly woman, man go missing
August 26, 2019Mysuru: In separate incidents, a 75-year old woman and a 38-year-old man have gone missing from Vijayanagar Police limits in city. In the first incident, 38-year-old Swamy, who left his house on May 8 morning has since gone missing, according to a complaint lodged by his wife at Vijayanagar Police Station. Swamy is 5 ft….
Man goes missing from city
December 19, 2018Mysuru: A 42-year-old man, who left his house in Vijayanagar Police limits on Dec.13 has since gone missing. The missing person is Ghanshyam Nagpal. According to the complaint lodged by his wife Pooja Nagpal, Ghanshyam left the house on Dec.13 at about 10 am, saying that he was going to a shop to get groceries…
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