Sri Prasanna Vidya Ganapathi Mandali Charitable (SPVGMC) Trust, V.V. Mohalla, Mysuru, is hosting its 56th Heritage Music Festival from Aug. 25 to Sept. 3 everyday from 6.45 pm onwards at 8th Cross Ganesha pandal in city. Picture shows Vid. Vijay Siva presenting a Vocal recital last evening at VV Mohalla. He was accompanied by Vid. Prabhath Gokhale – Pramod Gokhale (Vocal support), Vid. Trivandrum Sampath (Violin), Vid. N.C. Bharadwaj (Mridanga) and Vid. Vyasa Vittala (Khanjeera). Today, there will be a Vocal recital by Vidu. Dr. Pantula Rama, accompanied by Vid. Mutnery Srinivas Narasimha Murthy on Violin, Vid. Tumkur B. Ravishankar on Mridanga and Vid. Vyasa Vittala on Khanjeera. Picture right shows a section of audience at the concert.

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