The University of Mysore has launched a special drive for registration of Unemployed Graduates, Post Graduates and Diploma holders for ‘Yuvanidhi’ Guarantee scheme of the State Government. The candidates must have passed their qualifying degree in 2022-23 or 2023-24 and must be jobless for more than 180 days from the date of their qualification. Under the scheme, unemployed eligible graduates will be given monthly financial assistance of Rs.3,000 and eligible Diploma Holders Rs.1,500.
The eligible unemployed graduates and Diploma holders can apply through the Seva Sindhu Portal- The special registration drive will go on till Jan. 20. The eligible candidates can apply at Karnataka One, Grama One and Bapuji Centres. For details, contact the District Employment Exchange Office on Mob: 91139-82513, 87489-84360 or 99862-63695.
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