Mysore/Mysuru: In a bizarre burglary incident, miscreants who managed to enter a flat in an apartment block, have decamped with gold and silver jewellery worth about Rs.1.4 lakh. B.V. Vijaykumar, a businessman and a resident of Flat No. 45 at an apartment on Bogadi Road, was fast asleep on the night of Sept. 5, when…
Chain-snatchers on the prowl during Police shift change timings!
September 11, 2022Mysore/Mysuru: It looks like the chain-snatchers are committing crimes during the time when Police personnel’s shift changes. Everyday, Police personnel on day shift are relieved from their duties between 8 pm and 9 pm by the night duty personnel and the Inspectors of all Police Stations give the night shift Police personnel their points of…
Online fraud: Professor loses Rs. 82,000
September 11, 2022Mysore/Mysuru: A Professor has lost a total of Rs. 82,792 to online fraudster. The Professor, who lost his money, is Prof. P.V. Nagaraja, residing in Jaladarshini New Guest House in city. Initially, Rs. 1,772 was deducted from the Professor’s Bank account and on enquiry, the Professor came to know that the amounted was deducted by…
Fight between living together partners ends in woman’s murder
September 11, 2022Mysore/Mysuru: A fight which broke out over financial issues between living together partners, resulted in the death of the woman after being allegedly assaulted by her partner. The deceased woman is Bhagya (42), who was residing at a rented house in Giridarshini Layout here and the accused is 48-year-old Rachappa, who has been arrested. Rachappa,…
Mr. Bhakta visits a temple in Kodagu
September 11, 2022A few months back I went to my ancestral house in Kodagu and also availed the opportunity to go to the nearby Igguthappa Temple — dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is the most famous temple in Kodagu located at the foothills of Thadiyandamol near Kakkabe. This deity is considered the God of rain and grain…
61st Heritage Music Festival at 8th Cross V.V. Mohalla: A Complete Concert
September 11, 2022By Dr. Padmavathi Narasimhan On the 10th day of the music series at 8th Cross Ganeshotsava, Sikkil Gurucharan presented a vocal concert with Mysore Karthik on violin, mridanga legend Umayalapuram Sivaraman on mridanga and Kartik on ghata. The concert had everything that one can look forward to in a vocal concert — good voice, good…
Plea to provide proper roads
September 11, 2022Sir, I am a resident of Bank Employees Colony, off the Ring road, Bogadi. This Colony has come into existence more than twenty years ago and hundreds of residences are built here. But the tragedy is all the people are just managing and adjusting to live here without proper roads. Except the 4th Main, which…
Jumbos ambling around K.R. Circle
September 11, 2022Rehearsal for the Vijayadashami Day procession The Dasara elephants majestically walking around K.R. Circle during their morning rehearsal session on Jumboo Savari route from Mysore Palace to Bannimantap Torchlight Parade Grounds. [Pic. by M.N. Lakshminarayana Yadav]
‘Musings of Life’ released
September 11, 2022Chief guest Dr. H.S. Shivanna (centre) seen releasing an anthology of poems ‘Musings of Life’ at an event held at the Officer’s Mess, Air Force Selection Board, in city on Friday evening. Sqn. Ldr. Paridhei Singh (Retd.) has written the anthology which is a collection of motivational, inspirational and self-help poetry in simple English. Also…
Kalemane Annual Awards conferred on Gurus
September 11, 2022Kumar Performing Arts Centre (KPAC), Mysuru, celebrated the first anniversary of Nirantara Kalemane Utsava at its premises in Vijayanagar 2nd Stage last evening. On the occasion, Kalemane Annual Awards were presented to Gurus in the field of Bharatanatyam followed by performances by Gurus and their disciples. Sitting from left: Vidushi Reshma, Vidushi Dr. Sahana Bhat,…
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