Let us build the Nation He loved
Yesterday I read this Abracadabra, published 31 years ago (Jan. 1, 1994) and sent to me by Dr. Bhamy V. Shenoy of MGP, dug out from MGP archive, with a remark “You may enjoy this Abracadabra.” I thought enjoyment is for sharing, so here I reproduce it: Puck was my earlier pen name for this column.
Of all the New Year greeting cards I received, the one I liked most for its visual as well as the message was the one reproduced above. It was from Mr. Tehmton R. Irani, Managing Director of Ideal Jawa Ltd. It does not mean the others were not as creative, evocative and sentimental. But somehow I was immediately touched by the message of this card. I think the visual idea must have come from the Lok Sanchar Shikshana Sanghatan’s TV message.
The message was important. ‘Let us build the Nation HE loved’. Well, the natural question is whether, he, Mahatma Gandhi, merely loved the nation leaving the task of building it to us. This might sound like blasphemy but the fact remains that we love our country all right but never bother to build it the way the message has suggested. What with the communal violence and disharmony, parochial approach to national problems, corruption and, of course, our rulers who have no character and integrity. Politicians who refuse to become Statesmen can never build a Nation that Gandhiji dreamt of.
In this kind of a situation where our country is converted into an area of darkness, our nation submerged in total political and economic upheaval, we are indeed lucky to find some people, who despite the encircling gloom, remain upright and optimistic and dare to accept the challenge to build the nation that he (Mahatma) loved.
They want to play the role of torch-bearers to fulfil the dream of Mahatma and in our City their number, right now, is eleven.
Dr. H.A.B. Parpia
Maj. Gen. C.K. Karumbaya
Mr. Sudhakar Joshi
Mr. A.S. Dasan
Prof. S. Ananthaswamy
Brig. Leslie Herbert
Dr. Bhamy V. Shenoy
Mr. S.A. Imthiaz
Mr. Narendra Shah
Mr. M.M. Kaveriappa
Dr. (Mrs) Crysta Manjrekar.
These idealists are launching this evening a movement called ‘Mysore Lokswaraj Andolan’ at the Institution of Engineers Hall to translate the wish of Mr. Tehmton R. Irani “Let us build the Nation HE loved” into a reality. Lokswaraj Andolan, fashioned after its namesake in Bombay headed by Madhu Mehta, has a brief constitution and the most important article in it is No. 2 that deals with aims and objectives. Let me quote:
“The movement shall uphold the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India at all times. It shall have full faith in the basic ideals enshrined in the Constitution of India such as Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Democracy, Secularism and Social Justice.
The movement aims at:
1. Educating the people about their rights and obligations in a democratic setup.
2. Making the elected representatives, civil servants and people holding public offices disciplined, responsive to the needs of the people and accountable.
3. Upholding honesty and integrity in public life and administration and strengthen the rule of law.
4. Upholding human values and discouraging fundamentalism, obscurantism and intolerance in all forms connected with religion, regionalism, language, caste, creed and ideologies such as capitalism and communism.
5. Working genuinely towards the uplift of the deprived sections of society.”
Indeed, if these aims and objectives are achieved, I have no doubt, our country that “HE” loved will surely be built beautifully sooner than it would otherwise take. It may look like Utopian ideals, but then great things are achieved only if our goals are above our reach. Of course, these 11 noble souls may need some young and dynamic persons also with the same spirit to make their dream come true.
Therefore, it is necessary that those who have the same kind of thought and concern, but have not been able to find a movement to contribute their mite to help the nation, may now grab this opportunity and join these wonderful Founding Members of Mysore Lokswaraj Andolan.
The time to act is now. The time to play your role is now. Tomorrow it may be too late.
e-mail: voice@starofmysore.com
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