Mysuru: Mandya Ramesh’s renowned theatre school, Natana, is set to bring Karnataka’s rich heritage to the national stage at this year’s Republic Day (R-Day) Parade in New Delhi on Jan. 26.
Known for its dedication to the study, practice and performance of theatre, Natana has left an indelible mark on the art world, conducting workshops and performances. This year, Karnataka’s tableau, designed by acclaimed art director Shashidhar Adapa, will feature the architectural splendour of Lakkundi Temple, a historical and tourist landmark.
Natana artistes have been selected for this tableau, representing the State’s culture and artistry in the prestigious parade.
The Republic Day Parade is a celebration of India’s pride, unity and diversity, attended by dignitaries including the Prime Minister, President and international guests.
The team is already immersed in rehearsals, preparing to represent Karnataka with distinction on the national platform. This opportunity not only highlights the students’ artistic prowess but also underscores the State’s rich cultural heritage.
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