It is appreciable that Governments and many philanthropists are providing food in their own ways to the needy at the time of crisis. As far as free milk distribution is concerned, it may not reach the needy and might be misused also.
Immaterial of caste or creed, all daily wage earners and those from middle class strata are finding it very difficult to fill the bellies of their own families till the normalcy is attained.
Senior citizens, other than Corona patients and small children of their families are not getting milk to drink for survival because each litre costs Rs.38 which many people cannot afford without earnings since so many days.
Instead of giving free milk, it is advisable to collect Rs.10 per litre during lockdown period either in milk booths or at free milk distribution centres, so that more needy people are benefited in turn lessening burden on the exchequer.
– Dr. M. Shyam Prasad, Mysuru, 15.4.2020
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