Mirrors are a effective tool to enhance feel and energy of dining area House-hunting and locating a suitable home is a task less said than done. When a property for rental is available, the prospective tenants most often look at the location, convenience and the comfort of the space and certainly the rental budget. It’s…
Positive flow
May 31, 2021By S.B.S. Surendran To activate good health luck, luscious green plants at East symbolising wood element, which also represents the health of the occupants, can be adapted In the metaphysical science of Feng Shui, energy of a space is the basis on which the overall well-being and prosperity of the occupants is assessed. In other…
Invoking opportunities
May 10, 2021In the practice of Feng Shui, your first impressions as you enter a home or room is very important. By crossing a threshold you enter a new environment or another world. You experience particular qualities, moods, and presences, both visible and invisible, that conditions our homes and workplaces and influences our lives. Feng Shui addresses…
Feng Shui and Staircase design
May 3, 2021The first mention of Feng Shui dates back to around 300 BC in a book known as “The Book of Burial” which speaks of energy flow and movement and states that “The energy that rides the wind stops at the edge of water and is retained.” Today, Feng Shui is popular globally and many corporate…
Designing home the Feng Shui way
April 26, 2021When it comes to locating plots, buildings, orienting homes, placing décor and even planning gardens the first thing which would come to our mind is unhindered flow of energy and a feel good factor. This is quite possible when we plan our home keeping in mind some important tenets of Feng Shui in terms of…
Garnering Happiness and Harmony
April 19, 2021Feng Shui is an ancient tool used to create harmonious, peaceful and joy-filled environments. The metaphysical science which is over 3,000 years old creates the perfect environment and feel in a building, be it a home or workplace. Feng Shui’s true roots start with the land your building is placed upon. The land’s condition, as…
Salt Magic
March 29, 2021If you are facing negative situations or emotionally weak, cleanse your personal energy with sea salt in your bath and take a sea salt bath seven days in a row to help clear your energy and detox your spirit. Feng Shui has many symbolic cures which have deeper meaning. However, a simple and yet effective…
Lucky Bamboo for good energy
March 22, 2021Plants have an important position in the science of Feng Shui. Plant represents wood elements in the five element theory of the metaphysical science. In the cycle of elements, plant gets its support from water element as water nourishes the plant and the sector in the compass which denotes wood element is the East. There…
Countering Negative Chi
February 8, 2021Everything in the nature needs protection, be it a child or a sapling, till they are able to manage and have the strength to handle things on their own. Similarly, when your personal energies are low and you feel weak, it’s logical to adapt things which makes you feel more positive and strengthen your personal…
Countering bickering at work place
February 1, 2021Ensure you don’t sit with your back to entry/ exit , try to add more lights (if you can) to your work desk in the form of desk lamps, you could place small plants with round leaves. While at work each individual tries to bring out the best and their capabilities, however, is most often…
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