Sir, This refers to the news item titled “Rs. 13.5 crore fine collected from 4.6 lakh ineligible BPL card holders” (Star of Mysore dated June 1, 2023). Over three years ago I applied for APL ration card for no other purpose than it is my right to have one. I paid the necessary fee and…
Cover this open drain on Lalitha Mahal Road
June 4, 2023Sir,It is a welcome step by Mysuru City Corporation (MCC) to clean up the Raja Kaluves and drains ahead of monsoon. I would like to draw the attention of the authorities to a big open drain at the junction of the Arch Gate on Lalitha Mahal Road. There is a small strip of road on…
Lack of lane discipline and reckless driving taking toll on Highways
June 3, 2023Sir, It is reported that in a ghastly accident 10 persons including the driver of a private car died in a head-on collision with a private bus (Nine tourists from Ballari killed as car rams into bus, SOM dated May 30). The details given shows that all were young including three children while the maximum…
Four ‘R’ formula to save our environment
June 2, 2023Sir, World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5 and encourages awareness and action for the protection of the environment. But we citizens are producing waste in huge proportions, most of which are non-degradable, non-decomposable and produced from non-renewable resources. We don’t have an efficient, environment-friendly disposing system of either converting it as useful…
Gundlupet MLA’s initiative worthy of emulation
June 1, 2023Sir, It is good to see the Gundlupet MLA Ganesh Prasad, by placing a notice board in front of his Mysuru house, saying no to garlands, bouquets, gifts etc., from the public (SOM dated May 31). The practice, so prevalent with all politicians irrespective of party affiliation, is obscene to say the least. The culture…
Plea to switch off street-lights during daylight
May 31, 2023Sir, In western countries, there is a practice of ‘Daylight Saving Time’ by turning the clock ahead as warmer weather approaches and back as it becomes colder again. The goal of ‘Daylight Saving Time’ is to make better use of daylight by prolonging the amount of time people can spend outside during daylight hours. The…
Lack of maintenance of drains will prove costly
May 30, 2023Sir, It is unfortunate that the authorities concerned are grossly negligent in attending to the problem of maintaining and cleaning of drains. This is the basic requirement to control flooding of road surface and prevent water rushing into houses in low-lying areas or where houses are constructed with low plinth level when there is rain….
Protruding metal chambers posing threat to motorists, pedestrians
May 29, 2023Sir, The protruding metal chambers installed by a telecom firm at the road surface pose potential threats to both pedestrians and motorists in Kuvempunagar, Gokulam and may be even other places across the city. There is all likelihood of children too getting injured if they step over these chambers while play at the road sides…
Green plus signages mistaken for traffic signal
May 28, 2023Sir, The medical stores and doctor clinics used to display plus signage in red colour which later was asked to be discontinued as Red Cross organisation brought legal restrictions for usage of their symbol by others. At that time, doctors started using ancient Egyptian symbol called Caduceus, a symbol with a short staff entwined by…
Gopalaswamy Shishu Vihara: Nostalgic memories
May 27, 2023Sir, This refers to Senior Journalist Gouri Satya’s feature article titled “The Street Name for a Shishu Vihara” published in Star of Mysore dated May 23. Reading the article evoked cherished memories of my early childhood schooling at Jagadamba Shishu Vihara and my subsequent education at Gopalaswamy Shishu Vihara. Those formative years played a significant…
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