People of India magnificently responded to the call of the Prime Minister to observe Janata Curfew to stay indoors on 22nd instant and joined in clapping to thank the medical fraternity for their services.
But it is disappointing to observe that the same type of restraint was lacking from next day. People were seen moving freely as though nothing has happened that constrained the PM to remark that people have not taken seriously to observe the lock-down.
It must be realised that the only way the rampaging of Coronavirus can be stopped is to observe strictly the lockdown. Doctors have made it clear that Coronavirus can spread in geometrical proportions if people come out and take a heavy toll of lives. The way it has spread in the US and Europe should be an object lesson.
It is unthinkable that some people have taken it lightly and showing bravado to move around thinking that nothing will happen to them. It reminds me of the instance in Mahabharata when all the Pandavas were dead except for Yudhistira. Then he was asked by the Yaksha as to what is one thing in world that astounds him.
He replies: When everybody is dying all around him man thinks that death does not touch him. This is exactly what is happening today. The people who show such mindset have no right to be an agent to spread the infection.
The world is facing unprecedented situation and it is only India with 1.3 billion population appears to be holding on and till now only 10 deaths have been reported.
In fact, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said yesterday that India has a great talent and it should show the way to the world. Perhaps it is a great compliment to the people of India and its leadership quality.
India is facing an unprecedented situation and the challenge should be met to defeat Coronavirus infection. Everybody should rise to the occasion for it is in their hands to defeat the spread of Coronavirus.
It calls for patience, restraint and sacrifice for some time which is not too much to ask and the alternative is to plunge the country into an unmitigated medical disaster.
– H.R. Bapu Satyanarayana, Saraswathipuram, 24.3.2020
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