When the areas of your home affecting your love life are cluttered, missing from your floor plan or suffering from “shar chi” (harmful energy, chi meaning energy and shar meaning bad), it can be difficult to find and maintain a good relationship and marriage prospects diminish.
Feng meaning Wind (pronounced as Fung) and Shui meaning Water (pronounced as Shway) are the two energies, which symbolise all the other energies existing in the universe.
Proportion deals with measurements, without which there can be no form. Authentic Vastu and Feng Shui relate to mathematical calculations, which comprise the fabric of the universe, and they have a direct proportion to all things in the universe.
Prior to understanding Feng Shui, we need to understand the energy and earth relationship or in other words GEOMANCY. Geo means earth and mancy means divination. In simpler terms Geomancy is the practice of working with the energies of the earth.
However, working with earth energies can also be a part of everyday auspicious sitting — from town planning to domestic arrangements. An important part of choosing a suitable site is considering the energy that lies beneath it —preferably finding beneficial, and also avoiding and curing harmful. The popularised term geopathic stress describes the negative effect of exposure to harmful earth energies.
Geo mancy enables us to identify what is known as Geo Pathos. Geo — earth pathos — suffering, disease. Such energies may be natural global grids and their crossings, or arise from earth fault lines, mineral deposits and underground water courses. Trauma to the earth such as excavation, mining, building, even battlefields can also result in disrupted harmful energy.
Feng Shui is not a religious practice or a belief but Feng Shui, in its simplest form, is the practice of placing or arranging objects within a space so that they are pleasing to you and naturally support you within the context of that space. Feng Shui takes into consideration the conscious and unconscious associations you may have with the space and the objects and their placements within it.
This is accomplished by combining an ancient divination tool with simple psychology. An artful combination of the two is where the real work of Feng Shui practitioner comes in.
Through the ages, Feng Shui has evolved into a tool to finetune our aspirations in life. Wealth, Health, Fame, Career and Love are the essential and integral part of our daily life and Feng Shui enhances the prospects of these specific needs.
All relationships are based on a fine balance of understanding, co-operation, mutual adjustment, trust, love and compassion. When one of them is imbalanced, the relationship does not sustain. The place of dwelling and our immediate surroundings have a great impact on our relationship, marriage prospects, love and romance.
When the areas of your home affecting your love life are cluttered, missing from your floor plan or suffering from “shar chi” (harmful energy, chi meaning energy and shar meaning bad), it can be difficult to find and maintain a good relationship and marriage prospects diminish.
If the energy in the relationship power spots in your home is blocked or weak, you may feel tired, depressed, unable to focus, hampered in your efforts to connect with a potential partner. Where chi flows too strongly, you may feel out of control, overly emotional, or anxious much of the time. Communication becomes more difficult and relationships can feel unstable.
In short, Feng Shui could transform and improve your space and in turn, the quality of life to make you work better, think better and live better.
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