Mysore/Mysuru: A Peahen visited a residential area in Mysuru city this noon and has stayed put in the area. The bird was spotted by a few residents this noon as it perched on their compound walls at Sri Vidya Ganapathy Temple, Kashipathi Agrahara, behind Lakshmi Talkies on Chamaraja Double Road. Some residents fed the bird with water and grapes which the hungry bird readily accepted. Seeing the love showered on it, the bird is still camping in the area with occasional flight to treetops.

According to Ragoo Rao, Ethologist of Mysuru city, this is a Peahen. The white belly is a female bird feature. Males will have all bluish-green colour — Indian Peafowl – Pavo cristatus bring their Taxonomical name. Peacocks are flamboyant, beautiful, colourful, arrogant bird, the bird with an attitude, is naturally selected as a National Bird of India.
Only the males, with such lovely iridescent colours and a unique long tail, with ‘Oscillated’ patterns (eye-like markings in multicolour), sometimes opened up fan-like to display, impress his Ladies — the Peahens.

[Photos captured by M.N. Lakshminarayana Yadav]
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