Where is Vivekananda’s India?
Columns, Point of View

Where is Vivekananda’s India?

September 18, 2018

By T.J.S. George

Here is the noblest summing up of civilisational values by an Indian: I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true. I am proud to belong to a nation which has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations of the earth… Sectarianism, bigotry and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often with human blood, destroyed civilisation and sent whole nations into despair… The present convention is in itself a vindication of the wonderful doctrine presented in the Gita: ‘Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him. All men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to Me’. Vivekananda

Here are the most despicable understanding of values that Indians can possibly have:

Please donate to help Kerala Hindus. The Christians and Muslims worldwide raising lots of money to help mainly their own people and agenda.  Rajiv Malhotra (USA)

Floods in Kerala are due to tantric and mantric worship. Tsunami was God’s wrath in India for idol worship. – Evangelist Lazarus Mohan (Tamil Nadu)

In a way it is abhorrent to mention in the same breath the names of Vivekananda, the Swami of enlightenment, and the latter day peddlers of religious hatred. Chicago, where Vivekananda addressed the World Parliament of Religions, was picked as the venue for the World Hindu Congress recently. But Chicago heard this time a different voice that called for a sectarian war lest “the lone lion is destroyed by wild dogs.” This lone lion must be a new contraption because Hinduism can never be destroyed, not even by those who are misusing it from within.

Vivekananda’s short address in Chicago is still remembered, 125 years later, as a historic marker in the march of ideas. At the assembled “Parliament” of spiritual leaders from all corners of the world, Vivekananda stood out as a majestic figure — a 30-year-old in saffron robe with a maharaja-like turban. His opening words, “My sisters and brothers of America” led to an applause that made the speaker pause for a while. The message of brotherhood and universal tolerance he conveyed in the next few minutes made him the star of Chicago. It was the first time the West heard a credible Indian voice from India, and it helped demolish the British-projected view of a benighted India lost in primitive superstitions.

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Vivekananda’s India, too, appears to be lost. These are days when, for every genuine holy man, there are a dozen fakes. Some flourish with ashrams spread across vast acreages. Some start business empires that conquer everything they set their sights on. Some are in jail. The religious exploiters come in many robes. Madrasas are rife with scandals of child abuse while convents are exploding with charges of nuns being used for the pleasure of priests. Perhaps for the first time in the history of the church in India, nuns have come out in the open protesting against the sexual escapades of a Bishop. Under our prevailing criminal law, a formal charge by a woman is enough to take the accused into custody for interrogation. But this Bishop has proved to be special. Forces stronger than God are protecting him.

When Vivekananda said, “I am proud to be a Hindu,” he must have had in mind the  Hinduism that respected all. The greatness of Hinduism — and the uniqueness of it — is that you can reject all the Gods in the Hindu pantheon and still be a Hindu. But the corollary is that you can worship all the Gods in the pantheon and still be not a Hindu. The politicians who divide people on religious grounds are not helping their religion. They are just exploiters.

A saint who said “we accept all religions as true” is being appropriated by a party that  suppresses minorities for political gains. Vivekananda was an original liberal. He promoted the cause of modern education

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and modern science. The casteism in Kerala provoked him to describe that State as a lunatic asylum. How would he describe the States where people lynch people in the name of religion? How would he describe Raja Singh Lodh, BJP MLA in Telangana, who said “till the cow is accorded the status of Rashtra Mata, killings for gau raksha will continue?” Swami Vivekananda was blessed that he lived in another, civilised, India.

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8 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “Where is Vivekananda’s India?”

  1. Madhu says:

    Millions of middle class Hindus Muslims and Christians contributed to Kerala flood relief! But the author seems to think it doesn’t matter, if somebody thinks that is not Vivekananda”s India but to judge based on 2 moronic statements by some unknown people. I feel the author should get his head examined or he is trying to divide the nation and not happy with unity! The Kerala government ruled by communists also created a huge Rolus that quator had offered 700 crores which Modi was not not accepting! Later found that was like LIE floated by people like George and his Christian comrades in Kerala just to badmouth central government . They want money for conversion not for any flood reliefs! So anybody says don’t give cash directly to these thugs George will make it sound as cruelty. Here are the facts. Now you decide! What is sp sad with Kerala floods is it could have washed away people like this author and would have been a great service! It killed innocent people.
    Article from QUORA: Is the central government not giving enough support to the Kerala floods?
    *Neeraj, Indian politics stories*

    Please have a look at following facts & figures:

    1. Uttarakhand Floods (2013)
    Death Toll : 5748

    Central Aid to Uttarakhand : 1000 Crore

    Kerala Aid to Uttarakhand : ZERO

    (Note : It was UPA Government in Center, Uttarakhand & Kerala)

    2. Tamil Nadu Floods (2015Death Toll : 500+

    Central Aid to Tamil Nadu : 1940 Crore

    Kerala Aid to Tamil Nadu : ZERO

    (Note : It was NDA Government in Center, AIADMK in Tamil Nadu & Congress Govt in Kerala)

    3. Gujarat Floods (2017)

    Death Toll : 224

    Central Aid to Gujarat : 500 Crore + 2 Lac for Death + 50K for Injured

    Kerala Aid to Gujarat : ZERO

    (Note : It was NDA Government in Center, Gujarat & CPI Govt in Kerala)

    4. Bihar Floods (2017)

    Death Toll : 514

    Central Aid to Bihar : 500 Crore + 2 Lac for Death + 50K for Injured

    Kerala Aid to Bihar : ZERO

    (Note : It was NDA Government in Center, Bihar & CPI Govt in Kerala)

    5. Assam Floods (2017)

    Death Toll : 85

    Central Aid to Assam : 340 Crore

    Kerala Aid to Assam : ZERO

    (Note : It was NDA Government in Center, Assam & CPI Govt in Kerala)

    *6. Kerala Floods-2018*

    Death Toll : 357

    *Central Aid to Kerala :* *920 Crore + 2 Lac for Death + 50K for Injured + Various Schemes and Benefits.*

    *Uttarakhand Aid to Kerala : 10 Crore.*

    *TamilNadu Aid to Kerala : 5 Crore.*

    *Gujarat Aid to Kerala : 10 Crore.*

    *Bihar Aid to Kerala : 10 Crore.*

    *Assam Aid to Kerala : 3 Crore.*

    *(Note : It is BJP Government in Center, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, Bihar, Assam and AIADMK in Tamil Nadu & CPI Govt in Kerala)*

    Why Anti National Lobby is making Buzz of of that in case of ‘Kerala Floods’ and trying to put Present NDA Central Government in Bad light ?
    Why Luteyens are creating North-South divide ? Instead of doing Help, Why Missioneries are Protesting ?

    Think, Indians, Think.

  2. Raj says:

    Very well said ! why our star of mysore entertains such articles ??
    ” Comments are free and Facts are sacred “

  3. Agara R says:

    Here is what US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan said ”Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”.

  4. Vishwas says:

    That’s twaddle from the author, trying to mix up various things to conveniently support the propaganda. The article and the mindset of the author is exactly the reason Hindus have become more possessive and insecure. And he quotes the great Swami Vivekananda as if he has read and understood everything the great Swami said ! Rajiv Malhotra himself is a very respected author who has done a lot of work against such propaganda. When the Kerala CM lied through his teeth about UAE’s aid offer , it was such a devious plan to further antagonize the central Government in the state. How shameful that was that they tried to gain political mileage in such a situation. Swami Vivekananda has also said that we must be brave and stand for what is right, and the WHC 2018 in Chicago reflected his views.There is no Mecca or Vatican that will take care of the Hindus and protect the great religion based on Dharma. We have to do it ourselves and have allowed Invaders and others to corrode and erode our religion for a long time. Now is the time to wake up and protect our ancient culture from such elements.

  5. P. Subramani says:

    The author is a vatican agent with agenda to breakup india, SOM shouldn’t entertain such articles or else you are bound to lose readers. Christians show their hidden agenda. this george is unfit to be in SOM.He has zero knowledge of Swamy vivekananda and quotes to his convenience. Why don’t SOM sack this george? let him go to leftist publications.

  6. Raghu says:

    I have a feeling, the author personally lost a lot of money or power or something valuable to him due to Modi`s policies! If you read all his past columns since 2014 you will notice some common thread! In many of them, he stated, after modi India lost its international, reputation! Source for his information? It was from South China monitor, the Chinese state controlled news paper, Dean, a Pakistani has paper and JNU monthly newspaper! Another one of them gems were, corruption increased to all time high after modi took office , the source was from JNU! Intolerance propaganda we all know ! About lynching, actually, lynching has been happening in India for over 100 years in various circumstance! Earlier it was just a report quoted as a law and order crisis! Today people like George call it Modi’s handiwork!over 37 BJP workers, mostly Hindus were killed in Karnataka within 2 years, yet nobody blames Congress but one Gauri Lankesh murder, George and his gang want to implicate Modi for that .while DK Ravi death was far more suspicious, police and state government could successful close that case without blaming the state government!
    Even George stooped so low, he even suspected surgical strike! That means Military connived with Modi to lie to the public?
    Every time he gets a chance, he tried to portray modi as anti minority!
    In fact Vivekananda was up against forces like George who wanted to destroy Hinduism ! He was very much against the device and rule by Christian missionaries who played the games to demean Hindu values!
    George quoting Vivekananda is what they say in Kannada ‘Bhootada baayalli Bhagavadgeethe’

  7. SKumar says:

    Mr George,
    We know what Hinduism is and what Vivekananda meant. Please stop your hypocrisy and pseudo secular sermons and write something constructive, factual and towards nation building. We are fed up of your saintly contributions towards uplifting poor us.BTW I did donate to Kerala fund in Mysore and know of thousands of people who did donate without the religious glass on, even though our dreamland Kodagu is struggling.

  8. Raghu says:

    Here is an incident that swamy vivekananda narrated in his lecture
    “Once when I was in Varanasi, I was passing through a place where there was a large tank of water on one side and a high wall on the other. It was in the grounds where there were many monkeys. The monkeys of Varanasi are huge brutes and are sometimes surly. They now took it into their heads not to allow me to pass through their street, so they howled and shrieked and clutched at my feet as I passed. As they pressed closer, I began to run, but the faster I ran, the faster came the monkeys and they began to bite at me. It seemed impossible to escape, but just then I met a stranger who called out to me, “Face the brutes.” I turned and faced the monkeys, and they fell back and finally fled. That is a lesson for all life — face the terrible, face it boldly. Like the monkeys, the hardships of life fall back when we cease to flee before them. If we are ever to gain freedom, it must be by conquering nature, never by running away. Cowards never win victories. We have to fight fear and troubles and ignorance if we expect them to flee before us.”
    Now, anti Hindu brigade of which people like George, pseudo secular scumbags with selfish interest, terrorist sympathisers , and congress thugs who lost their power and source of easy money, and the communist or congress owned media keep shouting at hindus and want us to feel guilty and scared! We have to understand their True design! They say they hate RSS and BJP! If they say what the mean like they hate Hindus, they stand alone!
    They say We don’t have tolerance! They say We are discriminating against Other religions! Everybody knows, India is the most tolerant nation compared to even united states! You sympathise with a terrorist in America and very soon you will be on FBI spying on you and your mother in law! You suspect the armed forces, they treat you like an enemy! We have awards for people who commit these crimes! We should face these scrums like swamy vivekananda did!


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