Mysuru: Kannada film actor Darshan, who is out on bail in the murder case of one Renukaswamy from Chitradurga, celebrated the festival at his farm house on Mysuru-T. Narasipur Road.
Following the permission granted by a Bengaluru Court, to return to Mysuru to celebrate the festival, from Jan. 12 to 18, Darshan, along with his family members, came to his farm house on Sunday.
On Tuesday evening, Darshan offered puja to the cattle and livestock at his farm house, followed by the ritual of Kichchu Haayisuvudu, which was shared by Darshan on his Instagram page.
In a message in Kannada, posted along with a photo taken with his favourite horse, Darshan has said: “Let the kite of happiness soar high in your life, bringing prosperity and joy. Let’s welcome Sankranti with a new hope, by distributing Ellu-Bella.”
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