By T.J.S. George Is war coming? America’s activities vis-a-vis Iran lend substance to the scary prospect. Indications began surfacing within days of Donald Trump assuming office. He rubbished the nuclear treaty Obama had worked out with Iran and instead, described Iran as “the greatest State sponsor of terrorism.” Among the first world leaders he phoned…
Musings on Indian Democracy …and The Common Man
February 13, 2017With many State Assembly elections being currently held and the political chaos swirling in the State of Tamil Nadu, one is left wondering: Wither Indian democracy? Since India became a republic in 1950, elections to the Parliament and States have been held as per the law of the land and the results accepted gracefully by…
Paris, Here I Come – 3: Sculptures and paintings of special tourist interest
February 11, 2017[Continued from Jan. 27] The Louvre, pronounced ‘Loovruth,’ covers more than 40 acres on the North bank of River Seine. Originally a small fort for the first King of France (or Paris) in about 1200 AD. The remains of this fort were excavated in the recent past and is open to tourists. It is beneath…
Even Foreign Students Don’t Fear Indian Laws Or Its Lawmen!
February 11, 2017Yesterday the newspapers reported two incidents about students, both quite disturbing. One was foreign, the other domestic. And shockingly in both cases the students showed no fear for the Law or the Police. First the foreign students: On Thursday, Florence, a 24-year-old woman from Uganda studying in Bengaluru, was murdered. Police Inspector Anjan Kumar rushed…
Free food for the hungry!
February 10, 2017Kerala DC shows the way; “Operation Sulaimani” costs nothing to nobody… By N.K.A Ballal, Retd. Sr. Vice-President, ITDC What a difference a committed IAS Officer can do is reflected in this initiative taken by one Mr. Prashant Nair, the District Collector of Kozhikode, a district in Kerala. Sulaimani is a popular drink in Kerala, a…
Incredible India-2
February 9, 2017By N.K.A. Ballal, Retd. Sr. Vice-President, ITDC Surprise, surprise, the Finance Minister in his budget speech did actually mention tourism this year ! His actual words: “Tourism is a big employment generator and has multiplier impact on the economy of the State. Five Special Tourism Zones, anchored on spvs [Special Purpose Vehicles] will be set…
Netas lusting after Lalitha !
January 28, 2017Two years ago out of the blue our then Tourism Minister R.V. Deshpande told the Karnataka Legislative Assembly that his Ministry would look into various violations committed by ITDC (India Tourism Development Corporation) and terminate the lease signed in 1973 with regard to Lalitha Mahal Palace Hotel. What were these violations? It seems one of…
Kaala Mann & Kaala Dhann
December 10, 2016While our Prime Minister is telling us his Mann Ki Baat…people are busy with Money Ki Baat. And why not, we love money. We have always loved money. And when it comes to money or benefit, the saying “means justify the end” is meaningless. We only care about the end. That is why we see…
Demonetisation & Hero Worshipping
December 3, 2016The recent demonetisation has been confusing…we have assumed that war against currency is war against black money. Money or cash constantly changes colour from black to white. It is ok as long as it is circulating within the economy, but money truly becomes black and harmful when non-tax paid cash is hoarded and not circulated…
A train-ride to remember
November 26, 2016Six years ago I entered the chaotic Chennai Central Station to board the Shatabdi Express to Mysuru. Up ahead at the entrance to my bogie I saw people bending down to touch someone’s feet and many standing with reverence reserved for Godmen or politicians. I squeezed myself through the small mob and got into my…
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