Mysuru: As part of Swachh Bharat campaign, Ramakrishna Ashrama had organised its 40th and tentatively the last cleaning operation (held every Sunday so far) at Ramakrishnanagar Circle here yesterday morning with a theme ‘Swachh Mysuru, Swastha Jeevana.’ Wielding brooms, Swami Atmajnananandaji and Swami Mokshatmanandaji of Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama along with about 1500 students, general public…
City crime rate dips by 15%; Rs. 2 crore worth stolen goods seized
January 1, 2018Mysuru: Compared to last year, the crime rate in Mysuru city has declined by 15% in 2017, thanks to the new initiatives launched by the Police Department. As per the information released to the media by City Police Public Relation Officer, the Police have recovered stolen items worth Rs. 2 crore, besides collecting Rs. 8.5…
Russian Professors laud Women’s Engineering College in city
January 1, 2018Mysuru: Two Russian Professors from Moscow State University, who attended the second International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2017) at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, here recently, lauded the efforts of the Institute in organising such an event with good number of paper presentations. Dr. Mestetskiy Leonid,…
Tusker dies of illness at Kantapura Elephant Camp
January 1, 2018Hunsur: A tusker, which was suffering from illness since about 20 days died at Kantapura Elephant Camp in Nagarahole National Park. The 47-year-old tusker named Sidda, was suffering from swollen stomach, throat and trunk where water was collected resulting in Sidda suffering from oedema. It had stopped consuming food and had grown weak. Though Veterinarian…
SJCE Global Alumni Meet held
January 1, 2018Mysuru: The Global Alumni Meet-2017 of Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering (SJCE) was held at the institute premises recently. The event, organised by SJCE Alumni Association, included a panel discussion on ‘Role of Alumni Association towards improving its Alma Matter’ in the morning and felicitation to the institute’s alumni for having made it big in…
US Don delivers talk on ‘Freedom of information in India, America’
January 1, 2018Mysuru: Prof. Nikhil Moro of the Department of Mass Communications and Journalism, Norfolk State University, USA, said that information by nature is free and the Government is obliged to share it, as it is only its caretaker. He was delivering a lecture, organised by the Internal Assurance Quality Cell (IQAC) of SBRR Mahajana First Grade…
House burgled: Cash, gold worth Rs. 33 lakh looted
January 1, 2018Mysuru: A house in Mandi Mohalla here was burgled in broad daylight yesterday and the burglars decamped with cash and gold jewellery worth about Rs. 33 lakh. The burglary took place at the house of one Sunil Kumar on Pattagar Street behind Mandi Market. Ironically, Mandi Mohalla is one of the busiest localities in city….
Seminar on ‘Law and facilities available to differently abled’
January 1, 2018Mysuru: A day-long seminar on ‘Laws and facilities available to differently abled,’ organised as part of World Disability Day by JSS Institute of Speech and Hearing in association with JSS Law College, was held in city recently. The seminar was inaugurated by District Disability Officer N. Geetha and JSS Law College Chief Executive Prof. K.S….
‘Language will grow only when used in literature’
January 1, 2018Book ‘Mageli amma mahlyam maka ishta’ released Mysuru: Konkani writer Mamatha Kamath opined that only when a language is used extensively in literature will it help it grow. She was speaking after the release of her Konkani translation of well-known Kannada littérateur Vasudendra’s book ‘Nammama andhre Nangishta’ titled, ‘Mageli amma mahlyam maka ishta,’ at Govinda…
Threshing of harvested crops on roads: SP Ravi D. Channannavar warns farmers of strict action
January 1, 2018Mysuru: Following a series of complaints from motorists about threshing paddy, horse gram and ragi crops on roads to separate the crop from the sheaves that cause accidents, Mysuru Superintendent of Police Ravi D. Channannavar has directed Sub-Inspectors to hold meetings with farmers along with Panchayat Development Officers and other Revenue Department officials to discourage…
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