In anticipation of the grand Mysuru Dasara, a wrestling event was organised by Sri Jayachamaraja Wadiyar Garadi Sangha in city yesterday. A total of 50 pairs of male and 10 pairs of female wrestlers participated in the traditional wrestling matches held at the newly renovated Maharaja Sri Jayachamaraja Wadiyar Kusti Akhada (wrestling arena) in Sahukar…
‘Youngest Wushu Martial Arts National Champion’
August 14, 2023G. Pranathi, a third standard student from Police Public School, Mysuru, has been crowned as the youngest medallist by giving the Wushu attempt at Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu. Hence, Karnataka Achievers Book of Records (KABR) has admired and honoured her as the ‘Youngest Wushu Martial Arts National Champion’ while witnessing her great spirit performance in…
Avila Convent Basketball teams win District-level Title
August 14, 2023The Under-14 and Under-17 (Higher Primary & High School) boys and girls Basketball teams of Avila Convent, Mysuru, won the Mysuru District-level Basketball Tournament conducted by the Department of Public Instruction, Mysuru, recently at Subbarayanakere Ground in city and have been selected for the Division-level Tournament. The winning students — (standing from left – 1st…
Gulbarga Mystics beat Bengaluru Blasters
August 14, 2023Mysore Warriors lose to Hubli Tigers Bengaluru: In the first match of the day, opening batter L.R. Chethan and medium pacer Abhilash Shetty ensured Gulbarga Mystics got off to a winning start in their campaign to defend the title in 2nd edition of Maharaja Trophy KSCA T20 Cricket, which began yesterday at M. Chinnaswamy Stadium….
A History of Grand Slam in Tennis
August 8, 2023By U.B. Acharya The term ‘GRAND SLAM’ was originally used in the game of Contract Bridge. In this game if a declarer claims that he would win all the 13 tricks and achieves that goal, then it is a Grand Slam. Let me now explain in detail how this term came into vogue in tennis….
2nd Runner-up in VTU State-level Badminton Tournament
August 8, 2023The women’s Badminton team of GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW), Mysuru, secured second Runner-up position in the Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) State-level Women Badminton Tournament 2023-2024 held at BMS College of Engineering (BMSCE) in Bengaluru. The GSSSIETW Badminton players — (kneeling from left) G. Vinutha, K.N. Anusha, Smruthi Desai, Sanjitha Harish…
Prize-winners of State-level Chess Tourney
August 7, 2023Grand Master (GM) M.S. Thejkumar inaugurated the State-level Under-19 Rapid Chess Tournament, organised by Sadvidya Educational Institutions (SEI) as part of its Shathotara Suvarna Rajatha Mahothsava, at Sadvidya Semi-residential PU College, Vijayanagar 2nd Stage, in city yesterday. Around 416 players from various School, Colleges and Chess Academies took part in the Tournament. Following is the…
Runners-up in State Sub-Junior Badminton Championship
August 7, 2023J.N. Kohana, partnering with M.N. Moulya, trained under Arjun T. Ram of Gopalswamy Badminton Academy, Mysuru, emerged runner-up in Under-15 Girls Doubles event at Yonex Sunrise Karnataka State Sub-Junior Badminton Championship organised at Ballari recently under the aegis of Karnataka Badminton Association. J.N. Kohana reached quarter-finals in U-15 Girls Singles category in the same Tournament….
Grand Master Thejkumar inaugurates State-level Chess Tourney
August 6, 2023Grand Master (GM) M.S. Thejkumar moving a chess piece to inaugurate the State-level Under-19 Rapid Chess Tournament, organised by Sadvidya Educational Institutions (SEI) as part of its Shathotara Suvarna Rajatha Mahothsava, at Sadvidya Semi-residential PU College, Vijayanagar 2nd Stage, in city this morning. SEI Secretary Prof. MSK Narahari Babu, Joint Secretary Prof. Hiriyanna, Administrative Board…
Winners of Governor’s Cup-2023 Golf Tourney
August 5, 2023Following are the winners of Governor’s Cup-2023 Golf Tournament held at Jayachamaraja Wadiyar Golf Club (JWGC) premises in city on July 28 and 29: Strokeplay Gross: M.G. Chengappa (74 Gross) – Winner; M. Chirayu (75 Gross) – Runner (Better Back 9 over Shridhar Singh). Strokeplay Net (H/C 0 to 12): P. Ramesh (68 Net) –…
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