Mysore/Mysuru: Even as the Mysuru City Corporation (MCC) prepared to demolish the illegal portion of the building next to the house of former Intelligence Bureau (IB) Officer R.N. Kulkarni in Sharadadevinagar, a City Court has stayed the demolition until the next hearing on Dec. 14, 2022.
The MCC staff, equipped with machinery, had gone to the spot last evening to pull down the illegal portion of Madappa’s house after the 24-hour ultimatum served by the civic body ended.
MCC officials, led by Zone-3 Assistant Commissioner Prakash, Development Officer Satyamurthy and Assistant Engineer K. Mani, were about to commence the demolition works using a concrete cutting machine when Madappa’s Advocate Prasad told them that the Court had issued a stay.
When the officers insisted on the physical order of the Court stay, the advocate failed to produce it and as such, the authorities went ahead with their demolition work. Later, the physical copy of the stay order granted by the Principal District and Sessions Court was produced.

The stay order dated Nov. 14 said that the impugned final order No. 03/14/19-20, is stayed till the next date of hearing (Dec. 14, 2022). The MCC officers later left the spot. Saraswathipuram Police had provided tight security.
MCC Commissioner G. Lakshmikantha Reddy said, “We will consult our legal team and go ahead with the demolition once the stay order is vacated.”
This saga will continue. This structure will not be demolished as here will be appeals to higher court.
As for the arrest for murder, the same situation as the case will go up to the supreme court.
Interesting that the police commissioner Chandragupta is transferred after spending just 2 years in Mysore.
He failed to capture the leader of the armed robbery gang who stole the jewellery in a jewellery shop in the city, and a by-stander was kiled in this process. The gang leader is free and living in N India!!
MCC have a great reputation in the court of law. Does MCC really have a legal team? If yes, why one structure in Irwin road not demolished, when all stay is vacated by court. May be the lawyer who is occupying this structure has gone to SC. The same will be the case of dmolition of Mr Madappa’s structure which floated the construction bye laws. He will be the last person to get this demolished, as he has bribed MCC officers who turn back to all the efforts of Late Mr. Kulkarni. A lesson for all Mysureans, never complaint agianst your neighbours illegal construction to MCC, he has already bribed them. He will not bother about notices from MCC, as our courts will give stay for all notices issued by Govt. agencies. It is a common sense for MCC to have obtained a caveat, before issuing final notice for demolition. NO Sir, MCC have no proper legal team who would understand the necessity of caveat. Now this sturcture will never be demolished by the owner, nor MCC can touch it, as the case will drag for decades. In the meantime, people are free to carryon construction, which will float all MCC rules.
Do MCC have a legal team? If yes why the old building in Irwin road, not demolished?. Why the legal team did not apply for caveat while issuing final demolition notice.? It appears Mr Madappa has an intelligent lawyer who brought a stay from court. Now this case will be in courts for decades, and Mr Madappa and family will live in his new house merrily everafter. Money speaks in corridors of MCC.
@Av Prasanna
I do not accept it is a simple case of money talking in the MCC corridors in this case.
The fact that a court has ordered a stay of demolition, does mean that this construction in question may not be strictly illegal. Otherwise, the court would have dismissed the plea for the stay outright. The MCC thinks that they can vacate the stay, but the petitioner can move to the higher court-the high court to deny the MCC intention.
I am not convinced also that the confession of the alleged culprit is not obtained under duress. If his case comes up in front of a judge, one could imagine the details of how the confession was extracted. The ,murder charge means the case will go to the SC in the end. That will take many years.
This retired officer Mr Kulkarni must have been walking ( every day) on the foot path of the long Manasagangothri Road, which is the UOM property, meant to be used for the UOM staff and students. Hence, he was a trespasser. The UOM statement said so in general terms. It makes one wonder about his claim of illegal construction, when it pertained his private property. Sounds like an ex-officer in the IB unit, where they do not bother about legality!
The police commissioner said, he acted on the complaint by Mr Kulakarni’s son-in -law, who lives in the USA, and who was accusing the neighbour as the murderer. He is an IT techie with ,limited brain cells count, who was unable to grasp what the prevailing laws exist in the USA. Had he been aware, he would have feared for the wild accusation without evidence.
In the West, where I live, extraction of confession without the alleged accused lawyer being present is considered illegal, as it si always construed as being obtained under duress.
I can foresee, the so called illegal construction remaining, and the son released.
It is time for the mandatory law degree as a requirement those who sit for the IPs exams and IAS exams.
My tirade above in support of the criminal Madappa family is because I am related to the criminal family and I support criminal elements of this family put blame on an innocent honest officer as I lack integrity. I live in the west and try to put my 2 cents on this controversy as all I have is time as I spend my time farting on my son and daughter in laws sofa in usa and I don’t know what to do productively in my life.
Please feel free to criticize me
@Mann Ki Baat! We believe you when you say “I have is time as I spend my time farting on my son and daughter in laws sofa in usa” LOL
But you are raising a lot more stink on these comments section much worse than what you are doing on that couch you are sitting!! May be you need to condider change your in your diet!LOL
Hello Nakli Mann Ki Baat! and Hello Dimwitted @Murthy
First, @Nakli Mann Ki Baat! You need to try harder, with a better vocabulary if you want to imitate the original person. For example, no one will refer to a sofa as ‘my son and daughter in laws sofa, and without an apostrophe after in ‘ laws’.
Second, If you are so convinced about that Madappa’s guilt, why use the term ‘controversy’? Again, poor education.
You are just a dick head, and a frustrated imbecile, who had had very poor education. Yes, you are an It techie coolie, with manure as your brain
@Murthy, the soul mate of that Nakli dick head.
Enjoy your low life fun!
Those two above are Nakli Mann Ki Baat. I am the original. I stink like anything.. Please understand..
@duplicate Mann Ki Baat .. however you try you can’t imitate that toxic mentally retarded asshole who calls himself Mann Ki Baat. He has achieved this my lifetime efforts of unemployment and uselessness! He has a lot of free time. So ignore him and let this lowlife crawl in his own filth.
Could you keep your post civilised. You Mysoreans seem to thrive at insulting others who disagree with you, and express an ipinon different from you in this case, which is in the courts
Look where your city is now. Congested, overpopulated crime -ridden and full of uncivilised morons.
No wonder, your city is taken over by non-Mysoreans and deprive you of jobs. They should knock sense out of you.
Behave properly when you are on a cyber space
Agree with@Verghese
Posters like @Murthy should be ashamed. He is an example of a bad upbringing.
One could differ with opinions expressed, different may be, with some civilised rebuttals.
This shows the depth of moral depravity of those who live in Mysore and elsewhere in India.
Once a demolition order is passed, any of the court’s from India must be banned constitutionally amended and not interfere in the procedure, which gives rise to heaps of case’s and benefits the offender of the law.
In a democracy, the courts have responsibilities of determining whether the person concerned is really what the accusation says he is. In other words, the accused has right of appeal.
Otherwise, you get Saudi Arabia like situation, where the rulers accuse and behead the accused.
You may be the accused in some other situation in countries like India, and then you will wish that you have the right of appeal.
Even if the constitution is amended, the SC will throw out that amendment as breaking the basic human rights.
correction: paresh
Murthy should not the only one who should display moderation while all other stupid A$$holes abuse others by namecalling ,like coolies, dumbwit, filthy, caste based abuses using multiple names . I complained many times in myvresponses but the abuses did not seem to stop. I have no other option but to pay back using the same coin with interest. As you sow so you reap. I hope I got them the message
Hello Murthy
You do not seem to get the message and still indulge in your filthy vocabulary. You come out as an uncivilised person needing the attention of the law enforcing authorities, if you continue with your rant. Just close it. Others have said you to do so.
Your parents should be really proud of you,
These days posters like you do not have anything to contribute, but abuse and foul language. You cannot tolerate any difference of opinion. That simple.