‘Opposition parties failed to question anti-people policies of Modi Govt.’

‘Opposition parties failed to question anti-people policies of Modi Govt.’

February 3, 2021

Freedom fighter Doreswamy questions silence of Rahul Gandhi

Mysore/Mysuru: Opposition parties have failed to create public opinion about anti-people laws being implemented by Union Government, said veteran freedom fighter H.S. Doreswamy.

He was speaking at a programme titled ‘Yashodharamma Dasappa – Ondu nenapu,’ organised in memory of freedom fighter Yashodharamma Dasappa as part of ‘Mareyalagada Mahaneeyaru’ series at Kannada Sahitya Bhavan in Vijayanagar here on Monday. The event was jointly organised by the District Kannada Sahitya Parishat, Sri H.C. Dasappa Institute of Public Affairs and Dr. K.S. Gowdaiah Pratishtana – K.R. Nagar.

During COVID-19 pandemic, the BJP-led NDA Government passed laws pertaining to Labour, Agriculture and APMCs in Parliament without discussion and wanting to implement it. Though, a nationwide agitation has been going on against these three laws, the Centre was behaving like a dictator. The Opposition Parties which were supposed to create public opinion among the people against the Union Government, were sitting idle, he noted.

Doreswamy said, “People have given power to ‘people with goonda mindset’ because of which political vengeance is seen everywhere. The Congress party, which is in Opposition, has died. People are sleeping even as the Union Government is implementing anti-people policies, instead of opposing it. If citizens behave in such a manner then who should question the Government, he asked.

Congress leader, Rahul Gandhi, instead of mobilising people’s support against anti-people policies of the Union Government, was sitting at home. Because of attitude, the Congress was not working as an Opposition Party. The capitalists like Adani and Ambani were taking advantage of the prevailing situation, and pushing their personal agenda. During India’s Freedom Movement, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru toured all over the country with Mahatma Gandhiji and generated public opinion against the British rule. Later, Nehru became the first Prime Minister and gave good governance and also strengthened party. “I did not know why Rahul Gandhi like his grandfather has no interest to strengthen Congress,” Veteran freedom fighter said.

Doreswamy said he was preparing thousands of people to launch agitation to save the nation and holding meeting with leaders of Hindu, Muslim and Christian communities. Already, around 200 to 300 people have agreed to go to jail as part of ‘Save Nation’ campaign. “I may look old but I am not able to sleep because of developments taking place in my country. I will launch a peaceful protest,” he said.

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He said the Central Government was trying to defeat ongoing protest by farmers of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan, who were demanding repeal of three Farm Laws. Unfortunately, farmers of other States were not supporting them. PM Modi has directed Home Department to vacate the agitating farmers from Delhi border, he claimed.

Paying tributes to Yashodara Dasappa, he said Yashodara was a veteran freedom fighter, social reformer and Minister in Chief Minister S. Nijalingappa Cabinet. Though born in an influential family, she wanted to do social service. She had imbibed the Mahatma’s preachings and plunged into freedom struggle.

Vasu, former MLA, Leela Appaji, progressive thinker, Prof. M. Krishnegowda, noted littérateur, Dr. Y.D. Rajanna, President, District Kannada Sahitya Parishat-Mysuru, N.M. Shashikumar, Additional Commissioner, MCC, G. Prakash, President, Dr. K.S. Gowdaiah Pratishtana, Maddikerre Gopal and M. Chandrashekar, former Presidents of District Kannada Sahitya Parishat-Mysuru, K.S. Shivaram, President, State Backward Classes Awareness Forum and Sarojamma Tulasidas of H.C. Dasappa’s family were present.

On this occasion, Nagaratnamma Javaregowda, Manikya Shamannashetty and Premavathi, the achievers from various fields, were felicitated.

6 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “‘Opposition parties failed to question anti-people policies of Modi Govt.’”

  1. General Citizen says:

    First let the ruling central Govt has no ethics for neither opposition nor the voters of the country. The ruling Govt doesn’t consider there exists an opposition for any consultation, questioning hour but carry hurried implementation in the absence of the opposition. While Govt forgot there exists an opposition all that the citizens made was fun of the opposition and to shut their voice along with the ruling Govt than standing with the opposition in questioning the ruling govt. Those who didn’t support the opposition in their fight for rightfulness of people hold no right to question when things are beyond reach.

  2. Informed says:

    THese congress crooks can’t write a single article on why farm laws are bad. In the entire speech, this ajja could not tell a single fact on the farm laws because he knows his congress govt was for many years asking for these farm laws. Its a shame these people take advantage of hindu’s respect for elderly people. He foolishly says farmers of other states are not supporting punjab farmers, it is infact proving that Punjabi congressi kalistanis are faking as farmers and not supporting the farmer-friendly law which farmers of other states want. Actually this cunning person should say wealthy punjabi kalistani farmers are not supporting the real poor farmers of India

  3. Questo says:

    Not just RaGa, even if 10% of Congress members had half the spine as Mr. Doreswamy, RaGa and his loyalists would have walked out of the party long back and Modi would have lost even in 2019. BJP’s first-term policies themselves were terrible and for the 2019 elections, they had nothing, not a thing to market with. They had to manufacture Pak hatred to invoke patriotic feelings and cook up Muslim hatred to get more votes.

    When I think now, even our local leaders like Siddaramyya or DKS are far more politically smart than the current central congress (Modi, Shah, Yogi… all came down here and spent a fortune for last Karnataka assembly elections, yet they could only get shaky, marginal majority). Maybe southerners should take over congress in the national level.

  4. Samuel says:

    Forwarded as received. It’s complicated

    Once upon a time they were boot-licking middlemen, but over a period of time, they have become so rich, that on an average an ARHTIYA earns close to over Rs. 75 – Rs. 90 crores per year. That’s $10-$15 million per year.

    Total number of ARHTIYAs in PUNJAB – Over 30,000
    Just do the MATH – Rs 25,000.00/- crores per Year / USD $3.5 Billion per year
    Calculate that for the last 10 years = Rs. 2,50,000.00/- crores – USD $35 Billion. (WOW, what a whopping amount)

    Business Model for the ARHTIYAs
    1. As a commission agent they earn an average of 18% commission on all trades

    2. This allows them to control everything, the buying price to the selling price.

    3. Buying Price – That is something they would pay to the farmer

    4. Selling Price – The MSP which the Central Government pays them

    5. Their clout is so strong that no FARMER can sell to the government directly. If they do, GOD Save them from these ARHTIYAs

    6. ARHTIYAs control – They also lend money to small / marginal farmers and others. Their rate, at its lowest, is 1.5% per month (or 18% per year). Thus, most of the political money is parked with them cos they get the best return on investment. This income is manifold of the official income.

    7. They are also the greatest contributors to the Gurdwaras. As Gurdwaras have come under the control of Nihangs, they are now the ones closest to the Nihangs.

    8. On account of their proximity to Gurdwara and also non-resident Sikhs they are also the ones who approve and facilitate who gets to go abroad. In this, they are both the body shoppers as also the placement agency commissioners. That way they get to control the lives of those who they send abroad. Which also allows them to control of the HAWALA MARKET in North INDIA.

    9. So given the current pattern of farming and APMC purchases by the Central Government, it provides them with the primary control towards all nodes of their other business and an assured income on the basis of which they can plan out their other secondary incomes.

    Now, why are they (ARHTIYAS) CRYING. – NAMO SCREWED their HONEYMOON BIG TIME with the FARM BILLS. Let’s take a look at them how.

    1. Once the FARM BILLS were passed, they (ARHTIYAS) realized that their primary source of income is at STAKE. Because now, instead of selling through them, the farmers could sell directly to anyone they pleased, where they would be paid more.

    2. And not just that, with the FARM BILLS in place, the PRIVATE PLAYERS would be offering better rates than the Govt. This would help the Government in getting out of the MSP business in the long RUN. So now, if they (ARHTIYAS) have to operate, they would have to be competitive and re-engineer themselves.

    3. CONTRACT FARMING – They (ARHTIYAS) have no role to play in Contract farming, coz the contractors/private players would directly pay to the farmers. They (Contractors / Private Players) would also advance them credit, provide them with seeds, monitor them, etc. Thus, their (ARHTIYAS) secondary incomes again get jeopardized.

    4. Thirdly, the grand role they (ARHTIYAS) played of real estate management could also come to an END, cos now there are other players and indeed there can be online players. Say, you are an NRI and had land in Punjab, you could go online, list your parcel of land, appoint an on-ground manager and invite bids for the land parcel cultivation for the year OR yourself bid for some contract farming projects. Not just that, all the requirements for which you counted on Arhtyias could now be solved by a farming-uber or similar facilitator/aggregator solution.

    5. So, in short the ARHTIYAS were being put out of BUSINESS completely & totally by NAMO, why because, they had become new-age ZAMINDARS. Just Imagine, 20-25 Lakh FARMERS in PUNJAB alone are at the MERCY of this UNHOLY GANG.

    And now let’s look at what was happening in December, while they were agitating. So you can imagine, that close to 5-8 lakh people are employed by these ARHTIYAS across several mandis all over PUNJAB.

    1. 30000 ARHTIYAS multiplied by Rs. 10 LAKHS per head, that’s a whopping Rs. 3000 crores (USD $400 million). That’s the amount collected to support over 1 lakh people for over 180 days of PROTEST.

    2. Carry out a vicious word of mouth campaign damning the FARM BILLS, thereby creating a PANIC amongst the workers in MANDIS.

    3. Organize all of the KHALISTANIS who till yesterday were treated like GANDI NAALI KA KEEDAS by these ARHTIYAS

    4. Give it a name “FARMERS PROTEST” and not ARHTIYAS PROTEST.

    5. DHAMKOFY celebrities / Punjabi NRIs in joining their protests.

    6. Give out DOLES to other parties / bodies, like CONGRESS / BKU / AAP / LEFTISTS / MODI HATERS / MODI BAITERS / YOGENDRA YADAVS /and many more, and have them join the protest, thereby increasing head-count.

    7. Finally when everyone converged in one place, just shout one thing “REPEAL THE FARM BILLS”, why / what / let’s discuss, nothing. Just repeal the Farm Bills.

    And they think all of us INDIANS are fools, that we cannot see through their game. As an INDIAN I ask all of you, how would you all FEEL, if tomorrow I decide to control your entire family’s LIFE. Would you all like to be at my MERCY.

    In the same way, these 30,000+ ARHTIYAS need to be taught a lesson and thrown out forever. Let me know what you feel.

  5. boregowda says:

    Thanks for explaining what is at stake with the Farmer’s bill. With millions ignorant farmers not able to comprehend the benefits and being manipulated by the corrupt leaders we have reached this logjam phase. The so called weak opposition parties are trying to manipulate and use this confusion and divide. They are roping ignorant NRIs and some so called foreign activists into their fold. This article should be an eye opener to all and clearly explains the direct benefit to the farmers and the consumers.

  6. Krishne Gowda says:

    How can Congress and the bootlickers of the dynasty ask questions? This was the angry response from Anil Ambani who were close buddies of Congress speaking the reality about Congress
    Anil Ambani’s tremendous attack on Rahul Gandhi – A man, not worth a pinch of salt, whose family has always robbed the country, denounces me in every election meeting! I want to ask him some questions today, hopefully the media will ask off him the answers.
    (1) My family and my myself pay tax of ₹.50,000+ crores every year to the country. We pay salaries every month that help in running the livelihood of millions of families. *How much money does Gandhi family contribute to this country?*
    I have heard that the *whole family has been released on bail, by a court, in a case of tax evasion!* Your mother has reportedly become the fourth richest woman in the world. How has she become so? Is it by robbing CRORES, through SCAMS & CORRUPTION?
    Would appreciate if you let all INDIAN’s & me know, the business that your Mother owns & runs, for her to have accumulated, such immense wealth? Pls reply.
    (2) We have been taking loans from banks for the last about 40 years and have paid / are still paying CRORES as interest, paid back the full loan & retaken new loans for new business opportunities. All businessmen & industrialists, across the world, without exception, have to, if they want to run any business. We also give guarantees & collateral to the Banks for at least, their basic safety. The interest that we pay allow banks to pay the salaries and interest on all the deposits that the Banks have received from crores of depositers & account holders and others.
    *Tell me how leaders like you and people like your brother-in-law have got interest-free loans from banks? What business is he in, that gets him such privileges? In which countries does these businesses run? From which countries & banks has he received such loans from?*
    (3) As widely publicised, how has your great brother-in-law, who started his business with a paid up capital of ₹ 1 lakh, 15 years ago, become *owner of hotels real estate properties which run into hundreds of acres of land and thousands of CRORES, and all this, in a mind boggling record time of 10 years! How was he able to get such large amounts of money, which was obviously needed to acquire such large tracts of land? Where did your family get the money to buy & own 2 bungalows & 6 flats in London?*
    My dear countrymen, when I came to know that this family is a foreign agent, this party supports anti-nationals, *I stopped giving donations to the Congress Party.* Since then, they are after me and are hellbent on defaming me. Answering to some of the allegations against me, my family & Companies owned or run by my family, let me ask, a few pertinent questions, answers, of which, too, I would like to get from the Gandhi family and the CONGRESS PARTY.
    Why wasn’t the contract of the Delhi Airport Metro Project, the Mumbai Metro Project, not awarded to multiple well regarded, Govt Companies, but to private players & Pvt Companies, by the *Manmohan Singh led UPA Govt.?* Ig that is valid, what is wrong, if my Company, was chosen as a partner by Dassault.? This agenda, is not only hurting me, personally, but also hurting our Country’s image, WORLDWIDE.
    Even In Delhi (formerly DESU) DVB’s power supply contract, worth 1200 crores, was given to my Company by the Sheila Dixit Govt in place of NTPC (Govt company). *WHY?* Between 2004 & 2014, why did the Congress Govt, at the Centre & multiple States give my company Reliance Infra, a total of 8 National Highways projects (worth ₹ 25,350 crores) in UP, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka & Punjab, while there are many Govt companies that could do this work.? *It was OK then. It’s not OK now. Why the DOUBLE STANDARDS?*
    *These are some aspects & truth that the public does not know & should know.*


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