Mysore/Mysuru: After the second carriageway of 23-km Ramanagara-Channapatna bypass on the Mysuru-Bengaluru Access-Controlled Expressway was thrown open to traffic on Sept. 1, the Srirangapatna bypass will be opened for traffic on Nov. 30.
The second phase of the works is under progress and the Srirangapatna bypass will be opened for traffic on Nov. 30, said Mysuru-Kodagu MP Pratap Simha.
Inspecting the road works, bypass and the toll plaza being set up at Srirangapatna on Thursday, Simha asked the engineers and the officials from the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) to ensure passenger safety in all the works being undertaken.

While one toll booth has been set up near Srirangapatna, the second toll plaza has come up at Kanaminike near Kumbalgodu. At Kanaminike, there are two plazas for onward and return journeys and toll will be levied. In all, there are three toll plazas but the toll will be collected only at two places.
The MP also visited the works that are being undertaken at Yeliyur as part of the Highway stretch. In a series of tweets, the MP has informed that the first stage of 51 kms between Nidaghatta and Bengaluru has progressed rapidly and there are certain linkages that have to be sorted out.
There are some issues in providing linkages from the bypass roads to the 10-lane expressways and these are causing delays. Barring a few design tweaks and addition of entry and exit roads from major towns along the way, there is no problem for traffic movement, the MP clarified.
Well, MP Pratap Simha, the toll booths will collect the tolls, most of them will go to the pockets of the officials and the 40% commission famous politicians.
Within just 2 yearts this highway will be congested with vehicles, the speed of them drops to 20MPH, and the highway will look as wonderful as the current state of the Mysore-Nanjangud highway!
Well, MP Pratap Simha, the toll booths will collect the tolls, most of them will go to the pockets of the officials and the 40% commission famous politicians.
Within just 2 yearts this highway will be congested with vehicles, the speed of them drops to 20MPH, and the highway will look as wonderful as the current state of the Mysore-Nanjangud highway!
Very Good Express way of International standard.My salute to our MP Mr. Pratap Simha who took initiative to complete the Mega project in record period.
Good work by Pratap Simha and NHAI. Jealous people will speak negative. I know how difficult it is to perform in this country. Continue your good work. Hats off to you sir.
Constructing a 10 way highway is not as easy as eating Masala Dosa. What did NIDDE RAMAIAH do this when he was the CM. People who do caste politics cannot perform.
Good work keep it up 👍
Hey admirers of Simha
You prattle as though this MP designed and constructed this 10-lane highway, just like Sir MV he did his developments.
ome cak this time next year and post what you see.
As for my name ‘masala dosa’,I use it to mock the dimwit who misunderstood it, as I expect of lazy Mysoreans who are only good at eating, hence the immigrants arrive to work hard/
Third world folks!
These posters have not seen what a good highway looks and feels like it. For that they should visit the West.
I will not even give 1 year. Within 6 months this highway will be crowded with vehicles, and this make them to crawl at a slow speed.
The sheer volume of vehicles cause stress and pot holes start appearing thick and fast. Where will be this MP Simha then? He will accuse motorists then! Typical Indian quality and Indian mindset.
The expressway is a smooth run where it is ready and shows the promise of faster connectivity bringing development closer to the Bengaluru -mysuru corridor and hopefully decongest Bengaluru.
However there is a need to focus on making the service lanes bi-directional and making exits and entry safe between the service road and expressway.
Recently i happen to visit sreerangapattana, i noticed that the so-called mysoe Bangalore expressway is only for 100-150km only, with several breaks and diversions. It may be suitably constructed and completed ony after 2-3years. By then the trafic will be increased and vehicles will be forced move bumper to bumper. How did they declared it completed when Gadkari sab had come?
I am happy that the highway is being widened to 6 lane but I don’t think it can be called an “international standard” highway as someone mentioned above. Not sure how things would look after 100% completion of works but atleast for now when one passes by the highway it looks like a normal highway. Mumbai-Pune expressway which was constructed some two decades is completely concrete and does give you a feel of a world class highway.
* two decades back
Pratap Simha sir, have you seen your recently opened Bidadi bypass. Just after a week of Dushera one side of bypass is closed for vehicles leading to traffic conjunction in Bidadi.
How can NH Road close for repair within a week of its open.. ?
Please don’t take this as political drive and make something to work in your favor.
Mysore to Nanjangud tollroad is congested and full of pot holes but still government is collecting toll and the contractors who have executed the work are enjoying the tax payers money who should be held responsible I hope this express way will not meet the same fate
Ok, i read all the comments with strengths and weakness of our young MP Pratap simha.
Well done the the rhitm.god shall give you enough strength and energy with full impact for taking developmental works in Mysore. It is easy to condemn. But not to ignore good work done by people like you sir. Ofcourse loop holes will be there in can not controle everything instantly in this huge country. Corruption is erupting everywhere. But one should be tolerant in identifying the mind of brainy persons like you. My accolades to you sir. Keep doing good work and change the mindset of negative attitudes.
Pratap simha should be smart like niddaramiah in delivering the projects like Bangalore ejipura and race course road flyover. The project should be either flop or never completed…
Mysore needs few flyovers to distribute or handle incoming traffic from express highway in smarter way. Time to construct direct roads to hunsur, Nanjangud and other sub highway with fencing.
@Sridhar, Belur
Reading your post, it appears that you need to go back to school to learn proper English.
You must be really a dim witted person to call MP Simha, ‘brainy’! That says more about you!
Have you read how your ‘brainy’ MP Simha mentioned Tipu Sultan’s imposition of Persian in his time, 200 years ago ( he was killed for his sins), and how people then tolerated it-it was a lie of course. Hence, he argued people should similarly tolerate without objection, Narendra Modi’s imposition of Hindi on South India!
That was not ‘brainy’ MP Simha speaking. It was an idiot MP Simha prattling.
50% work is only completed,
Road has too many curves, 80kmph is safe.
But very good work, appreciated
For the remembrance @Shantala, you are also the same Typical Indian and have the same Typical Mindset, thankyou folks for admiring her comments
Hey Rai
I am not a foolish and uneducated Indian like you. I was born the West and have an excellent education.
You speak with a third world corrupt mindset.
Hey Uttam
You show typical Indian ignorance, jealousy, wrong attitude etc.. rolled into one.
There are thousands of Western-born Indians, and you do not even know it. They are not Indians idiot. You sound more like your dim-witted PM Modi, who has not realised this, like you!
The mysuru Bengaluru expressway seems to be good now Pratap simha seems to be banking on with the project envisaged by others bet it it’s just a temporary phase the so called express way would be crowded the Toll gates disrupt seamless traffic movement and finally huge bottle necks at mysuru Bengaluru and many other junctions would destroy your fairy tale dream.
I have seen highways in the USA. I can confidently say that the highway between Mysore and Bangalore is as good as any highway I have seen in America. I like to congratulate our young, energetic, and enthusiastic MP Simha for a job well done. An unrelated comment: Our Bangalore airport is also as good as any medium-sized airport in the USA.
Posters like@ Mysore Murthy seems to think that Mysore-Bangalore highway is as good as Us highways which were constructed more than 75 years ago under president Eisenhower time and ha been well maintained since then.
I question his rational judgement of @Muirthy when he is looking at the Mysore-Bangalore highway, a new project which has just start functioning, without giving it just 6 months at least to make a considered judgement. It is like comparing a baby donkey at birth , and admiring that donkeys are as good as horse in their beauty, not waiting it to grow to make an observation!
Hey @Muthy, come back in November 2023, and tell us about your wonderful judgement! You sound like your PM Modi!!
Hello @Raja Bharathi
I agree with you, as you seem to consider what the realistic situation would be within months, not the fairy tale dream @Mysore Murthy prattles, which is a delusion at best and hallucination at worst! I add to what you have suggested the fast wear of the highway material used-India is not known for quality, whether it is IT work or manufactured product or the asphalting/concreting, plenty of examples of them in Mysore itself. This will result in raking up of the highway in many places, pot holes appearing fast, and the lot.
Hey Shanthala!
If you are western born and educated, why don’t you stay there and worry about your western life. I am sure your parents were typical third world Indians till they moved to the west! Stop commenting on things happening in Karnataka or India. You don’t belong here!!