Thieves steal Ring Road lights switch boards

Thieves steal Ring Road lights switch boards

December 4, 2022

• Police take crime seriously; teams begin night patrolling, vehicles checked
• Unfortunate development, says MP; high-resolution CCTV cameras to be installed soon
• Night surveillance by Police to be regular affair henceforth

Mysore/Mysuru: After years of perpetual darkness, streetlights on one portion of the Outer Ring Road (ORR) from Manipal Hospital Junction, Hanchya, Sathagalli, Devegowda Circle, T. Narasipur Junction, APMC up to Nanjangud Road Junction became functional on the night of Dec. 1.

But just a day later, the switch boards of a couple of lights were stolen by criminals and some stretches of the 12-crore lighting project were plunged into darkness. According to the Police and Mysuru City Corporation (MCC) Commissioner G. Lakshmikantha Reddy, areas along the Ring Road near Rajivnagar Second Stage near Narayana Hrudayalaya were the target of the criminals and four to five MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker distribution box) switch boards were taken away from the poles.

These switch boards were installed on the top of the electric poles so that it cannot reach the people from the ground. But criminals climbed on top of a truck to reach the boards. After prying open the boxes, they disconnected the circuits and removed the switches. “We have discovered that certain portions of the north and east of the Ring Road have become the target of the criminals,” Police said.

Tough Police action

Following the crime, Mysuru-Kodagu MP Pratap Simha spoke to the City Police Commissioner B. Ramesh and sought night patrolling by his staff and registering of criminal cases against the perpetrators of the crime.

Taking swift action, teams from Udayagiri, Narasimharaja and Alanahalli were formed to patrol the Ring Road during night and the surveillance began last night under the leadership of Udayagiri Inspector P.K. Raju. The night patrolling will be a continuous process to instil fear among criminals and to reassure the commuters that the road is safe to travel.

As part of the night patrolling, vehicles moving on the road were screened and the details of the to and from travel were noted down. Even two-wheelers were not spared and their documents and commuter details were checked.

Unfortunate development: MP

Speaking to Star of Mysore, Mysuru-Kodagu MP Pratap Simha said that high-definition CCTV cameras will be installed soon on the stretch and as a first step, a DD for Rs. 5 lakh has been handed over to the MCC Commissioner yesterday through Indian Bank.

“There will be one camera every two kilometres and to start with, 20 cameras will be installed. We will also look for funding by companies under their Corporate Social Responsibility for this CCTV camera installation,” MP Pratap Simha said.

“Switch board theft is a sad and an unfortunate development. The thieves will not even get Rs. 500 to Rs. 600 from the sale of the switchboards. But they are causing a large public inconvenience. We are being targeted in this way whenever we do some good for the people. On one side, we develop the areas to provide a safe and secure environment and on the other side, there is mindless destruction,” he regretted.

26 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “Thieves steal Ring Road lights switch boards”

  1. Deepanna says:

    I also heard they are stealing drainage lid made out of iron. Typically I hear these things done in Bihar and UP. Now its done in Karnataka as well. Please find out who is doing this. I once heard they steal toilet mug from rails. Mental Condition of Indian people is terrible.

  2. Syed says:

    Shoot bullet in legs if found these thieves, there should not be simple theft case registered. This is for public and nobody should dare to touch public property.
    These boxes will be found in some near by junk yards, if police wishes they can find it in couple of days.

  3. Marigowda Ramanna says:

    MP Simha is a dimwit with the smallest brain size!
    These switch boxes were stolen when they were in operation. That means the thieves have electrical circuit knowledge to pry them out. Mot likely that they were ordered to steal them for some one who has use for these switch boards. They are not going to be sold as this idiot Simha thniks.
    @Syed is even more ignorant and more dimwitted in thinking that these can be found some where.
    Hello @Syed, what punishment should we give to a Muslim Jihadi, who wants to behead some one saying that your Prophet married an young girl, which was true?

  4. Marigowda Ramanna says:

    MP Simha is a dimwit with the smallest brain size!
    These switch boxes were stolen when they were in operation. That means the thieves have electrical circuit knowledge to pry them out. Mot likely that they were ordered to steal them for some one who has use for these switch boards. They are not going to be sold as this idiot Simha thniks.
    @Syed is even more ignorant and more dimwitted in thinking that these can be found some where.
    Hello @Syed, what punishment should we give to a Muslim Jihadi, who wants to behead some one saying that your Prophet married an young girl, which was true?

  5. M A Khan says:

    Does this theft of switch board deserve first page news??

  6. Mann Ki Baat! says:

    Hello Khan
    the theft means the street is plunged into darkness, and you think it is not a front page news.
    I give you a couple of front page news from your Islamic world, one from Shia kingdom and another from Sunni Kingdom>
    1. Shia kingdom news. Iranian so called moral police were searching women without hijabs, harassing and molesting them, and when these women hit back with loud protests which attracted international criticism, the long bearded Mullahs, did not want to attract the world attention, as they want to sell oil, and ordered this moral police to go soft!
    2. Sunni Kingdom news: Qatari Sheikhs who promised that the football fans will have beers; but when they realised these fans will go back not attending the world cup games, they relented. These Sheikhs when they visit the West, which is very often , they buy whiskies to drown themselves in their hotels. All in the name of their Prophet!
    You see @Khan, while you may worship your Prophet as a Sunni, Iranians, the Shias believe that your Prophet’s brother -in-law is far more important! That is caste division in your religion.
    The above are front page, news. You may agree!!

  7. M A Khan says:

    I would like to ignore Mr.Mann Ki Baat, as my comment was more towards the publishers of SOM.
    Since i have been a reader from many decades, it pains me to see the deterioration in the quality of the publication.

  8. Mann Ki Baat! says:

    Hey Khan
    You musty be really dumb and dim witted idiot not to realise the importance of news where thieves stole switch boards which result in that road plunging into darkness again,. Perhaps, you are not bright enough to understand what a dark road road can do-the crimes, the accidents etc.. People’s lives may be involved as a result.
    Where do you think this news should appear? 5th page of the SOM? No need for people to be vigilant when this kind of theft occurs, and give information to the police when they witness suspicious activity like this?
    Your assumption of quality seems to be strange and nonsensical.
    Grow up.
    I gave those couple of stories, from your world to show how ridiculous you sounded in your first post. You sound more deluded in your second post.
    Mya be you should complain to your Imam about the deterioration of the ‘quality’ of the SOM journalism. In fact, the news reporting of the SOM has improved over the years, as the SOM reports news which concern the people of Mysore.

  9. Mann Ki Baat! says:

    Hey Khan
    Now, I realise that you admired the Haldane series that Nayeem conjured up, which of born out of ignorance and misunderstanding on the part of Nayeem, who JBS Haldane really was, the importance of his genetics research which was questionable, his Marxist-driven ideology which made Nehru his friend, and he supposedly settlement in India, which was tenuous as he was always in London etc..
    That is the quality of story in your opinion is worth having! Is it because, it was coming from Nayeem Saheb?

  10. M A Khan says:

    I always wonder why people use silly names instead of their true identities when they comment on social media.
    Are they afraid to own up? or are they dual faced? so many syndromes nowadays…wonder what syndrome this is attributed to..

    Hopefully by now the switch board thief has been caught..SOM should update us on this.

  11. Mann Ki Baat! says:

    Hey Khan
    PM Modi gives a monthly presentation under:’ Mann Ki Baat! But then he is BJP, who you hate. Any way that is an information for you, as you are so ill-informed, just as in the case of Haldane!
    Your are an idiot with a small brain, who is unable to grasp the importance of this theft of the switch board.
    So where should this theft news item appear, in the last page? I forgot, you Muslims read from right to left and start with the last page of a book which in your religion is the first page! What is more sillier than this?
    Syndrome? Like your Prophet had on the young girl who he married?
    How do I know this /M A Khan” is really who you are? It is just a silly Muslim name.
    Yes, I could use a name like Mohammed.. From now on, I will use the name of M. Mohammed meaning from Mecca! Or should I say, I am M. Mohammed from Medina?
    This is not a social media, idiot. This is a serious news paper , with a serious purpose like reporting the theft of switch bards which plunge a road into darkness leading to crimes and accidents.

  12. M. Mohammed says:

    Hey Khan
    This is M. Mohammed from Mecca!
    You are an ignoramus not to realise the implications of the theft of the switch boards.
    Grow up.

  13. Ibrahim says:

    @Mr Khan. I had the same doubt why people use silly names for their comments. All these people are old timers prior to IT generation and for the first time they can express something in the public forum. Most of them are probably dropouts who may have absolutely achieved nothing noteworthy in their entire life and just survived due to their parents prosperity. They are very angry against the society as a whole and can’t tolerate anybody more successful, which is visible in their remarks. You can see that they are calling all the IT professionals as coolies. Even doctors and Engineers are not spared . With jealousy unlomited, anybody gainfully employed is a fair game. Over the period of their long life they have read many news papers during the free time (aka their entire life) and this platform gives them the feeling of usefulness. So please ignore them just like the rest of the world does. If possible pray for their mental health of these abused scraps of the society !

  14. M A Khan says:

    Its been a week now, still no followup report in SOM on the switchboard theft.
    I suggest SOM publishes an investigative followup report interviewing the contractor who executed this work. He might be able to
    give input on this which could help Police nab the culprit.

  15. Mann Ki Baat! says:

    Hey Ibrahim
    I am a professional in IT with 40 years experience in senior management position in a large international IT conglomerate in the West. I used AI NN-based intelligent agents,, blockchain design AND deep learning approaches, which morons like you do not even understand.
    i call you as IT coolie because your small Muslim brain cannot fathom anything more than mundane python coding which you do for an IT sweatshop which takes on codes code sourcing from companies like us. You cannot define what a NP hard problem because you cannot recognise It.
    You are in third world India, which is not known for any innovation in any area, let alone in the IT domain
    What a pathetic Muslim soul you are1
    ‘Mann Ki Baat! is the title under which PM Modi dishes out his talk every month. But , I can see that you would rather listen to the talk by the Bin Laden cousin!

  16. M. Mohammed says:

    Hey Khan
    This is again Mohammed from Mecca! f the culprits are caught, it will be a front page news.
    Nice to see you learned your lesson! With people like you around, there is no chance of these culprits being caught!!
    I see there is another infidel @Ibrahim, who is talking crap, and needs a FATWA put on his head. I can arrange it through an Imam here. This infidel should shut his trap.

  17. Mann Ki Baat! says:

    Hey Ibrahim again.
    Let me explain to your single cell brain, why I call you an IT Coolie.
    a junior programmer who does coding-lines of codes, is paid $60K per year-that is $5K per month.
    Even if you earn INR 200k per month, for your coding work, which is unlikely, it is still $2K per month. By outsourcing this mundane coding work to India, we can employ 2/3 Indian programmers for 1 Western programmer.
    That is because INR is worth a toilet paper roll, about INR100 for 1 USD.
    India is a third world dump. ?Wages are cheap by Western standards, also dreadful working conditions are acceptable. That is the reason Apple wants to outsource its IPhone hardware manufacturing to India and Vietnam-not to Finland for example, as Apple can pay Indian hardware engineer coolies, a pittance.
    Grow up @Ibrahim. Think, before you start worshipping your hero Tipu Sultan, the Muslim scoundrel.

  18. Mann Ki Baat, Bisi Bele Baat! says:

    Hello Ibrahim
    What an ignorant and arrogant git you are!
    What do you think @Mann Ki Baat! and I were doing, as you claim long time ago? Sitting in the basement and reading your meaningless Quran which advocates violence against infidels? When were working on large IBM 370s in 1970s, designing processes for banks, you Muslims were driving tongas in Mysore! We were called computer scientists, not IT Techies!
    The cheap IT techies merged in India, after Murthy and Ramji convinced our companies in the West, that they can deploy cheap IT techies paid in worthless Indian Rupees rather in US Dollars, and can make them work 24/7 on boring program coding work. You were used like cooks in a hotel who toil in steamy kitchens to prepare dishes for the customers. Murthy and Ramji created the Infosys and Wipro IT sweat shops and became very rich, because of your slave labour! Whatever you are paid in Indian Rupees does not hurt my company in the West, because you are a cheap IT Techie-an IT Coolie! Got it! You are not a brain surgeon, but a dim witted IT Techie paid in Indian Rupees, an IT coolie!
    You are just a bigoted Muslims, doing cheap coding for an outsourced work-an IT coolie, in essence paid in cheap Indian Rupees.

  19. M A Khan says:

    The difference in currency is a worrying factor to India, but the work outsourcing by US is basically to cover up the fact that the single celled Americans can’t manage this work at home.
    Wonder why Tipu and muslims come in your discussion. Are you really the IT professional you say you are? Cause the USD vs INR is 82 and not 100 as you claim, Mr.Mann ki Bat. Reflects basic lack of info.

  20. Mann Ki Baat! says:

    Hey Khan
    You think that Americans outsource the work to cheap IT techies paying them in Rupees, because they have no brains? You must be bigger Ignorant fool than I imagined before!
    Tell me what software innovation that India has achieved?
    The conversion you quote is so called official conversion rate,. ! USD in India goes for well above INR 100. You should try to buy USD in India. It appears , you have no experience in dealing with hard currencies.
    As usual typical Muslim mind set, doubting others , but harbouring vile intensions.
    Well , tell me now using even the above conversion rate you quote, , how many IT techie coolies can be employed in India, against I IT programmer in the USA ,given a junior US programmer is paid $60K per year.
    If you have any knowledge of program coding, you will have realised now that it is sheer manpower work with no intelligence involved. Why bother with it, when Indian IT techie coolies can be deployed paying Rupees. Like if cheap cleaners can be employed, why clean yourself?
    You were the one, in the beginning, who objected to the headline SOM News, and later, prattle about not catching the culprits!
    If you can use Internet to look into something, , so can I idiot. But, I talk about the reality, you about delusion.

  21. Mann Ki Baat, Bisi Bele Baat! says:

    Brainy @Khan has no clue why the conversion rate of USD and Rupee is so high!
    A country’s currency value reflects the economic standing of that country. Indian Rupee is not a hard currency, which means you cannot use it for international transaction unless you convert to USD, Euro, GBP or Yen. The buying of those hard currencies means the conversion rate goes high, exceeding INR 100 for 1 USD.
    So @Khan decides that Americans outsource coding work because they have no brains? What an idiot, not to understanding the economics of cheap labour!
    Anyway, waste of time talking to this Islamic idiot, who questioned SOM headline news about the theft of the critical switch boards!

  22. Howdy, Modi! says:

    Interesting that @M A Khan wants now the ;police to catch the switch bard thieves, having brushed aside that theft as not important and worthy of headline news!
    I can not believe what he is saying about outsourcing, and about the worrying USD INR exchane rate. The man must be really very thick in his brain area!
    Why does a rich man -this case America, employ servants-driver, cook, gardeners etc.., in this case Indian IT techies?
    Because, he -America can afford to pay these servants-IT techies in Indian Rupees worth for America the cost of a waste paper!
    If Americans have single cell brains, I include Germans and British here, where does @Khan think the knowledge of the Covid-19 vaccine he must have taken come from?
    India has 2 big issues:1. Indian Rupees worth zilch internationally 2. Indian Passport- every Western country in the world wants Visas for entry. 2 worthless items.
    I would not bother discussing with this ignorant fool.

  23. M A Khan says:

    WOW!!!…I think i touched someones soft spot:)

    Can’t hide behind foul language. I just cant stoop so low.

  24. M. Mohammed says:

    Hello Khan
    This Mohammed again from Mecca!
    Notice my name, and what it means ?
    Time to put a Fatwa on your head for desecration.

  25. Magadi Kempegowda says:

    Hello Mr Khan, if that is your real name
    I am curious about your occupation. What do you do for living-your job?
    That is, when you are not participating in the Namaz in your mosque, bending and sniffing the ass of your fellow Muslim in front, and howling at the direction of Mecca?

  26. M A Khan says:

    SOM, Is there any moderator for these “Comments”?

    I think this is going way South.


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