It is claimed by TRAI that cable TV charges will nosedive under the new dispensation. But it is found otherwise. For, working out charges for different channels, it is clear that the cable TV charges have become more than double for far less number of channels that one chooses from the list.
It is really unfortunate that viewers are hoodwinked to feel their burden is reduced whereas the truth is the opposite. Moreover, many unsought for channels are made compulsory under the FTA package. The understanding has been that under the fixed charges one could include some of the chargeable channels to the extent possible. It is claimed to be otherwise.
Can one hope the authority will take steps to set right the anomaly?
– P.S. Kulashekhar, Mysuru, 26.2.2019
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Now we are being forced to pay more for the channels of our choice, while also being compelled to watch a lot of trash channels, and mindless advertisements most of the time. We end up paying more to watch mindless ads on sanitary napkins and by amitabh bachchan and other self-proclaimed luminaries. At 16 mins of stupid ads per hour, we end up sitting through more than 6 hours watching crappy ads in 24 hour. Pathetic. You will be surprised to know TV channels in Europe do not display ads.
I used to pay Rs.265 per month and used to get most of the channels (infotainment, Hindi & English Entertainment, Movies, Sports, Travel & Food etc). For the same set of channels, I paid a monthly bill of Rs.572.19 last month.
I feel consumer is not benefitted by this move by TRAI.