Yesterday, Mysuru Deputy Commissioner Rohini Sindhuri, for the first time reacted to the clean chit given to her by the three-member probe Committee of the Karnataka High Court regarding Chamarajanagar tragedy. She said, “The Committee has cleared the name of Mysuru District Administration and several baseless and motivated statements had put a black mark on…
Sanitisation Drive: A suggestion
May 15, 2021Sir, Now, it is certain that various agencies of the Government have become desperate and carries out thoughtless and wasteful exercises. One such is the sanitisation drive at Agrahara (SOM dated May 10, P-5). Many of the fellow readers might have forgotten the “Sanitisation Tunnel” of last year. Fortunately, it was abandoned, long back. Pity,…
Hazrath Alhaj Abrar Khan
May 15, 2021Hazrath Alhaj Abrar Khan (83), a resident of Kamalpur in Gonda district of Uttar Pradesh, passed away on May 13 in Kanpur, following brief illness. He leaves behind one daughter, three sons including Sufi Hazrath Moulana Mohammed Anwar Ahmed Nizami, Chief patron of Darul Uloom Azeezia Arabic College at Mamballi and Azeezia Educational Trust, Kalyangiri,…
May 15, 2021Venkatasubbaiah (73), former cricketer, Umpire and a former employee of Ideal Jawa, passed away on May 12 in Bengaluru. A long time resident of Mysuru, he was staying at his son’s residence in Bengaluru and leaves behind one son, one daughter and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were performed on May 13…
R. Ramu
May 15, 2021R. Ramu (59), a resident of Ligambudhi Palya, passed away on Thursday night in city following brief illness. He leaves behind his wife Sunitha, daughters Roopa, Rani and Rashmi, sons Shashikumar and Kiran Kumar and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were performed at his native place on Friday.
G. Shridhar
May 15, 2021G. Shridhar (50), son of late L. Gopalakrishna Shetty, Proprietor of Shri Sharada Cycle Mart at D. Banumaiah Square, passed away on May 13 in city. He leaves behind his wife, one son and a host of relatives and friends. Cremation was held at Jayanagar Crematorium on the same day.
C. K. Nagaraj
May 15, 2021C. K. Nagaraj (78), husband of late Suvarnamma, passed away this morning at a private hospital in city. Last rites will be performed at Murbandh today evening.
May 15, 2021Suvarnamma (71), wife of late C.K. Nagaraj and a resident of Murbandh, N. Begur in H.D. Kote taluk, passed away yesterday morning at a private hospital city, following brief illness. She leaves behind daughter Lakshmi Natraj, wife of M.N. Natraj, State Director of Nehru Yuva Kendra, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry, sons Kiran Kumar and Balakrishna…
K.S. Chandrashekar
May 15, 2021K.S. Chandrashekar (84), retired Marketing and Public Relations Officer at Ideal Jawa, Mysuru, passed away yesterday in Bengaluru. He leaves behind son Dr. Shishir Chandrashekar, daughter Urmila Chandrashekar and a host of relatives and friends. Chandrashekar had involved himself in various social work activities and was a member of Rotary and Mysore Race Club. He…
May 15, 2021Puttaswamy (58), an employee of the Horticulture Department and a resident of Janata Nagar, passed away yesterday in city. He leaves behind his wife, one son, one daughter and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were performed at Jayanagar Burial Grounds this morning.
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