Srirangapatna: With the tourism sector returning to near normalcy following the COVID pandemic, over 60,000 tourists visited the Krishna Raja Sagar (KRS) dam in Srirangapatna taluk during Dasara. The dam was specially illuminated and several cultural programmes were organised for five days as part of Dasara festivities.
With more than 60,000 footfalls, KRS dam has recorded a revenue earnings anywhere between Rs. 40 lakh and Rs. 50 lakh in a period of just six days.
Meanwhile, the 7-day special illumination at Brindavan Gardens in KRS, which commenced on Oct. 1 ended on Oct. 7.

The cultural programmes held at a specially erected dais near the Karanji attracted a huge crowd on all the five days. The floating platform near the boating spot on which Bharatanatyam and other dances were performed by artistes was a big hit among the visitors. The tourists revelled by taking selfies along with their near and dear ones at various spots in Brindavan Gardens.
The so called tourists were mostly from Benagluru, which has attracted massive immigrants from the North of India and other states to work in the IT sweatshops of Bengaluru as IT techie coolies to make the like of Infosys Murtys very rich indeed so that they can donate more money to their daughter and son-in-law who live abroad, and the son-in-law can try to become the leader of that country by spending massive amounts of money.
There are no longer many born Mysoreans and Bengalureans left any more. The Northies, Keralite a, Andhrudus and Tamils are these tourists.