By T.J.S. George Pakistan is ruled by its military and the military has an animosity against India that won’t go away. The reason is permanently engraved in a photograph — Gen. A.A.K. Niazi signing papers formalising his country’s surrender to India in Dhaka in 1971. The wiping out of East Pakistan and the creation of…
Vending Leadership on the Streets
March 11, 2019By Dr. R. Balasubramaniam In a world obsessed with sports, politics and the economy, it is easy to see why most of us view and describe successful people in these sectors as ‘leaders’ today. The default understanding is that such people are ‘special’ and endowed with qualities that make them successful leaders. It is such…
Women Entrepreneurship
March 9, 2019March 8 was Women’s Day and as I was driving I noticed a cow grazing on plastic. I felt women and bovines are treated very similarly by a patriarchal society. These two are the most revered in our country, yet badly treated. On one hand we have men who worship the women leaders in their…
Un-Welcome back to Un-Swachh Mysuru !
March 8, 2019By Dr. K. Javeed Nayeem, MD The rather amusing but certainly shameful drama of decking up Mysuru to qualify for the top place among the cleanest cities of the country has just ended. And, it has ended so dramatically too — all the garbage heaps at our street corners are steadily and happily growing back…
Questions I did not ask our Defence Minister !
March 7, 2019Whoever said that ‘politics is an art of possibilities’ should be given an award. I guess with 70 years of Democracy without any break, except for the aberration of 1975-76 Emergency, our politicians have mastered this art and made what appears to be impossible, for ordinary mortals like me, quite possible. Otherwise, how could BJP…
Pet Talk
March 6, 2019In this week’s Pet Talk, Maneka talks about diet for rabbits and what should be done if a rabbit bites By Maneka Gandhi What do I do if my rabbit has fleas? Even though rabbit fleas are not that common in indoor pet rabbits, they happen occasionally. If your rabbit is infected by fleas he/she…
No time for Politics, Jingoism
March 5, 2019By T.J.S. George It is good that 12 fighter jets bombarded a terrorist camp in Pakistan with the intention of delivering a blow that would be remembered. More significantly, India crossed the Line of Control (LoC) for the first time to hit Balakot, the terrorists’ nerve centre. The message was heard in other countries as…
Hero is Home. What Next ?
March 2, 2019Free J&K of Article 370 & 35A and do not play cricket with Pakistan till terror attack stops He who lives by the sword shall perish by the sword, says the Bible. It means one who uses violence can expect a violent response. This is what has happened to Pakistan today. Muslims of British (undivided)…
Air-strike Afterthoughts…
March 2, 2019Financial Shield Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman is back on Indian soil and some say with his return a war has been averted. But we doubt if there would have been a war at all. Because apart from loss of lives, war also causes economic devastation and India today is a “financial asset” that super powers…
An Interesting Cyber-Chase!
March 1, 2019By Dr. K. Javeed Nayeem, MD Last week a lady colleague of my son, Adnan, found upon arrival at the office that her very expensive mobile phone was missing. When a careful search in and around the office premises did not yield any results she rang up her number from the office only to find…
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