By Dr. K. Javeed Nayeem, MD Penalties for almost all traffic offences and vehicle document lapses have been revised upwards by our Government with the good intention of hammering some sense, albeit through sheer fear, into our traffic offenders who seem to only be increasing day after day. We all know that driving on our…
Maria’s new Hat!
July 18, 2019By N.K.A. Ballal, Retd. Sr. Vice-President, ITDC Maria lived with her mother at a small apartment in New York City. She wasn’t too young or too old. Not too short or too tall. Not particularly beautiful nor ugly. She was just an average woman. No one at the work paid any attention to her. Those…
Pet Talk
July 17, 2019In this week’s Pet Talk, Maneka explains why so many whales are getting washed on beaches and what can be done to help the situation By Maneka Gandhi Can the age of fishes be determined? Scales, bones, fin rays and fish ear bones (otoliths) have all been used to determine the age of fish, since…
Congress moving towards a split?
July 16, 2019By T.J.S. George Rahul Gandhi’s insistence on not continuing as Congress President was the best thing that happened to the Congress in a long time. He must stick to it. Confusion and chaos, perhaps even cracks and crumbling may follow. That, too, would be good for the party which is 134-years-old now. Everything needs renewal,…
Musings on Mysuru Literature Fest
July 15, 2019Culturally speaking, this month’s mega event for Mysuru city was the holding of the Third Edition of Mysuru Literature Festival (MLF) organised by Mysuru Literary Forum Charitable Trust in conjunction with Mysuru Book Clubs-2015 at Hotel Southern Star for two days, nay for one-and-a-half-days, beginning Saturday at 2 pm. The fest was inaugurated by Dowager…
Doing one thing at a time…
July 15, 2019By Dr. R. Balasubramaniam It is indeed amazing to see how people are constantly rushing ahead with their lives. All of them seem to be in such an undue haste. Very few actually stop, take a pause and ask themselves why they are in such an undue hurry. It seems as though man is engaged…
Nataka in Karnataka
July 13, 2019By Vikram Muthanna The political drama in our State with every passing election is becoming like a Bollywood Director Rohit Shetty’s comical-action with multiple star cast — there are heroes and villains, there are fighting scenes and crying scenes, there are fancy cars and private jets. But unlike ‘Chennai Express’ audience who were entertained, the…
Choice is Yours, Honeybee or a Fly…
July 11, 2019By N.K.A. Ballal, Retd. Sr. Vice-President, ITDC An interesting discourse: A wonderful analogy about the honeybee and the fly. How it teaches us a valuable lesson to improve our relationships and quality of life. A honeybee flies from flower to flower, extracting only the nectar without disturbing the flower. The mindset of a honeybee is…
Pet Talk
July 10, 2019In this week’s Pet Talk, Maneka speaks about Professional Dog Walker and how to stop a dog from chewing certain objects The people who own the flat downstairs are never there. They live abroad and come back in the winter, three months later. They keep a dog who howls the whole day. He is taken…
Pathetic plight of Coalition Govt.
July 9, 2019Going by the latest political developments in our State, somehow I feel that my musings written in this same column on May 15, 2018, under the title ‘Pride goes before the Fall: Musings on Congress defeat in Karnataka’ literally fits to present political scenario. Considering the current political unrest and the blame game that has…
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