Mysuru: Chief Minister Siddharamaiah will inaugurate the 11-day Dasara Flower Show on Sept. 21 in the presence of District Minister Dr. H.C. Mahadevappa, said Zilla Panchayat Chief Executive Officer P. Shivashankar. Addressing a press conference at Kuppanna Park, also known as Nishad Bhag, in Nazarbad, here yesterday, he said that the flower show jointly organised…
Yaduveer flags off Open Jeep Tour
September 19, 2017Mysuru: To attract visitors during Dasara festivities, ‘Open Jeep Tour’ was launched by Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiyar yesterday. The tour enables a visitor to take an enchanting jeep tour when the city comes alive with pomp and revelry. They will also get a chance to learn more about the illustrious tradition of Mysuru and its…
Mahouts’ kids get costumes for Dasara dance contest
September 19, 2017Mysuru: The students of the Tent School who are participating in the dance programme at Children’s Dasara on Sept. 22, were in for a pleasant surprise when they were distributed costumes, yesterday at the Palace premises here. The members of the Inner Wheel Club of Mysore Midtown, after reading a news item in Star of…
Air Force Band to take part in Dasara Procession?
September 19, 2017Mysuru: If things go as per plans, Mysureans and visitors to Mysuru might get to witness the famous Air Force Band perform during this year’s Dasara. The District Administration had sent a requisition to Air Force to allow the band to take part in the celebrations. Air Commodore Jose, accompanied by Wg. Cdr. Roshan held…
Mayor to inaugurate e-toilets tomorrow
September 19, 2017Mysuru: The Mysuru City Corporation (MCC) has constructed e-toilets in Devaraja Mohalla, near Jaganmohan Palace and behind Punjab National Bank, off Devaraja Urs Road here. Mayor M.J. Ravikumar is scheduled to inaugurate the e-toilet in Devaraja Mohalla tomorrow at 11.30 am in the presence of MLA Vasu. The MCC had built the first e-toilet on…
Leopard trapped, released into Nagarahole forest
September 19, 2017Mysuru: A four-year-old leopard, which had walked into the cage placed by the Forest Department at the farm of one Prashanth at Mydanahalli near Koorgalli Industrial Area here on Monday, has been released into Nagarahole Forest in the evening. The Forest Department had placed the cage in the farm with a dog as a bait…
Dasara Yuva Sambhrama concludes
September 19, 2017Mysuru: The 7-day Dasara Yuva Sambhrama concluded last evening at Amphitheatre in Manasagangothri with students from various colleges presenting dance programmes portraying environment protection, patriotism, problems of farmers and women empowerment. Students of Jnanadhara FGC, Hunsur, presented a dance condemning deforestation expressing apprehension that days were not far when Oxygen booths should be installed for…
Union Minister to launch air service at Mysuru tomorrow
September 19, 2017Mysuru: Union Minister of State for Civil Aviation Jayant Sinha will launch the much-awaited UDAN flight at the Mysore Airport tomorrow between 7.10 pm and 7.15 pm. The Union Minister will arrive by the inaugural flight from Chennai at 6.50 pm. This is part of the UDAN (Ude Desh ka Aam Nagarik) scheme of Prime…
Srirangapatna Dasara logo released
September 19, 2017Mandya: The logo for Srirangapatna Dasara – 2017, a three-day cultural extravaganza that will commence from Sept. 24 in Srirangapatna, was released here yesterday. Mandya Deputy Commissioner N. Manjushri and Srirangapatna MLA Rameshbabu Bandisiddegowda launched the logo at the DC’s office here. Designed by local artist Deshahalli Dileep, the logo has sugarcane plants, an elephant…
Navaratri Brahmothsava at Sri Yoganarasimhaswamy Temple from Sept. 20 – Oct. 1
September 19, 2017Mysuru: As part of Sri Yoganarasimhaswamy Navaratri Brahmothsava Jaatra programmes, Sri Yoganarasimhaswamy Temple has organised various cultural programmes from Sept. 20 to Oct.1 at its premises in Vijayanagar 1st Stage. Sept. 20: 6 pm – 7 pm: Nadaswara recital by Vid. R. Nagaraju, Vid. Sanjay Kumar, Vid. Satyaganesh and party, Srirangapatna; 7.15 pm -10pm: Saxophone…
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