By Dr. K. Javeed Nayeem, MD
I have a patient, Shama Rao, who can perhaps be called a global citizen. He and his wife Chandralekha stay here in Namma Mysuru while their three children stay abroad. A son and daughter in two different places in the US and another son in Australia. And so, Shama Rao and his wife stay here in Mysuru for about there months in a year and spend the other nine months in three instalments of about three months each, in three different places with their three children!
The other very interesting thing is that once in three months they both unfailingly come to see me for their three-monthly medical check-up. Invariably, at every one of our meetings, Shama Rao brings me some souvenirs or keepsakes from the different places he visits during his travels across the world. These include things like pens, keychains, wallets and even clippings from magazines and newspapers, usually related to medical matters.
At these meetings, after their consultation is over, we invariably spend an interesting half hour chatting. Actually, the Shama Raos do most of the talking and I do most of the listening because I prefer these conversations to be that way, if I have to gather some information about what is happening around the world. They tell me all about how their most recent trip was and I tell them how our once laid back but now fast galloping Mysuru has been while they were away. So, this is a kind of note-exchanging exercise though not like the note-worthy kind we had here in India about four years ago!

This time, when Shama Rao and his better half came to see me, along with a few other souvenirs, they also gave me a packet of American currency notes containing the equivalent of 364 dollars in 34 notes of different denominations, which was mentioned on the packet itself. But thankfully, this seemingly large amount was not meant to be my consulting fee because what their packet contained were not usable American dollars but completely shredded ones.
They told me that the packet of shredded currency notes they brought was a souvenir called ‘Fed Shreds’ issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago which they had visited at their most recent trip to the US. It appears the bank, which takes back from circulation all the damaged and worn-out notes, shreds them and makes souvenir packets out of them for visitors. Here in India too, our Reserve Bank destroys soiled, damaged and unusable currency notes on a regular basis, which it replaces with newly printed ones. And, we are told that after our recent demonetisation, the Reserve Bank had to dispose of more than 800 tons of shredded currency notes which was naturally a gargantuan task.
Upon the advice of some smart brains in their Thiruvanathpuram office, it sub-contracted this job of recycling them to a private firm in Kerala from where they were exported as pulp boards to South Africa, the land that played a crucial role in the making of the Father of our Nation, whose face adorned the Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 notes that were demonetised! How very interesting!

Coming back to Shama Rao, while I accepted his gift of American dollars happily, I was happier still that the hospital where they came to see me had collected my consultation fee, well in advance, in fully usable Indian rupees! But for me, his gift was a most unusual souvenir and it will now find a place among the many odd things in my museum-like collection.
But there was another interesting gift he gave me along with the packet of American dollars and that was a book from Australia, titled ‘And the answer is a Pineapple’ by an Australian writer called Claudia Hyles. It was actually a book about the origin, evolution and history of the pineapple which was full of the varied recipes of all that can be concocted from it, collected from across the world. It was not surprising that the writer had decided to include recipes from across the world because she and her husband happen to be among the few people who have worked in many countries across the length and breadth of the world, an opportunity I would have loved to have had but never had!

Now you may ask why this lady chose the humble pineapple as a subject to write about when she could have written a book about so many other more popular culinary preferences and made it a bestseller. It was only because, right from her childhood in Australia, where pineapples were in abundance, her mother who was an imaginative and adventurous cook, to use Claudia’s own words, used to prepare the most varied kinds of dishes from the fruit, which included her most sought-after pineapple-flavoured Chow Mein, her signature dish. And, the reason why Shama Rao chose to gift me this unusual book was not because he thought that the pineapple was one of my favourite fruits too but because he has a very special and unusual connection with its author.
Way back in the year 1968, as a part of an international student exchange programme, Claudia Hyles had come to Mysore in a group of about six students who were accommodated with different families across the city as their guests. Claudia happened to stay in Shama Rao’s father’s house in Lakshmipuram for about two weeks when the young and handsome Shama Rao was given the role of showing her and her friends around the city.
Whether he was assigned this role by his father or assumed it on his own by some clever subterfuge, is open to speculation and I prefer to leave it that way. But in this matter, my guess is as good as yours! What is interesting to note is that just before her arrival, Shama Rao’s father, the late Venkatasubba Rao, who was a perfumer by profession, very thoughtfully bought a small dining table for sixty rupees, to make his Australian guest comfortable. Until then the family used to have their meals, sitting cross-legged on the floor and to expect their guest also to do the same before she had been trained in some elementary Yoga, did not seem very right!

But it appears that even without any Yoga lessons, Claudia managed magnificently with their Indian style squatting toilet without the need for any modifications to it which certainly would have cost the family much more than their new dining table! During that visit, Shama Rao took his guest and her friends around the city and its surroundings in an Ambassador car which was then the best limousine that any guest could be offered. He even arranged horse riding classes for her and all her friends every morning at the Mounted Company through his good contacts with the Commandant, Capt. Krishna, who was gracious enough to allow them this opportunity completely free of cost.
In those days this princely pastime came at a princely sum of two rupees for an hour-long ride! Claudia soon became a student exchange coordinator and she visited Mysore a few more times, retaining her connection with Shama Rao’s family and staying with them. But on all these occasions, she thankfully had the comfort of not only dining at a much larger table but also the convenience of using a western style toilet!
Hey Nayeem
Ever an attention seeker!
Wonder whether these people did not get a better doctor. There are still a few in Mysuru.
Hey Nayeem
Ever an attention seeker!
Wonder whether these people did not get a better doctor. There are still a few in Mysuru.
Very good doctors in Australia and very knowledgeable.
Most of these articles by Nayeem sound like that of Sudha Murthy’s, utterly pointless, inane and boring. But they keep getting published because of their reputation in non-writing fields, which, at least in case of Nayeem, is self-earned and doesn’t involve pretending to be anything other than a privileged elite.
Why bring in Sudha Murthy just to make a cheap point? Jealousy, I suppose? There are many who will read when Mrs Murthy writes an article, as she is an achiever, unlike you perhaps?
It is more than jealously. I assume @Questo is a man, and that explains the misogynistic jibe at Mrs Murthy, who was not a subject in this article. @Questo thinks that Mrs Murthy should be hiding in her kitchen cooking for men like him, and little else.
@Shantala @Nandini
Taste is subjective, of course. Many like pineapple on a pizza, many like soap operas, and many more think comic books are a form of art.
I just thought of criticizing Nayeem’s writing and interestingly, I remembered that I feel exactly the same whenever I read Sudha Murthy. I would be dishonestly withholding my thoughts if I dont write that down as I dont flinch away commenting such things whenever I am anonymous.
Her writing… I mean it’s evident that she is no Triveni. But if someone gets a dedicated space in big newspapers and publishes regularly, I expect at least some bare minimum amount of creativity (which is non-existent in Sudha Murthy’s as well as Nayeem’s writings).
There are a lot of women who have achieved a lot in the fields of writing, science, tech, sports… And people like Sudha Murthy snatch away the limited space available by their influence (for example, the space she takes up in the big newspapers is literally snatching away the opportunity from another genuine woman writer).
And add on top of that all the pretension and millions of dollars spent on PR to project Sudha Murthy as someone with simple tastes and a down to earth ‘good’ person (ironically, using the money made from the IT-sweatshops in Bangalore). Let me cut it short here… basically, Sudhamurthy’s so called achievements are all bought from the money and power of Infosys. She is just a watered-down version of Melinda Gates.
And wait, so if I criticize a woman, I am a misogynist? I criticized Nayeem too, what does it make me then? A misanthrope?
You are making your case much worse, with your long rant. Best for you, if you have any decency left, to apologise for your uncalled for comment on a woman , albeit a famous one, who was not a subject in this article.
I can see the misogynistic tendency and perhaps Islamophobia too?
Where do you live and work? Seems arrogant and unrepentant.
I agree. This @Questo by his admission is a man, and looking at his arrogant attitude towards Sudbha Murthy, whose name does not appear in Nayeem’s article, I can conclude that He has had a long suppressed grievance, against perhaps her husband? Must have worked in Mr Murthy’s orgnisation? Could not hack it, and left with a bundle of grievances being a low achiever as an IT techie? Only a psychiatrist would unearth.
He criticises also the doctor ,the author, with a chip on his shoulders, assuming some unknown supremacy? Perhaps, he is aggrieved that the SOM editor, has not given him an opportunity to own a column in SOM? Despicable attitude overall.
I can only conclude that he has hidden problems of someone like this doctor and Sudha Murthy are better persons than him.
I read what those two posters replied, and I fully agree with them.
Your response in supporting your hidden hatred towards someone like Sudha Murthy is quite revealing. Wow, you could not achieve what her husband has achieved, isn’t it?
What are you,a CEO of a large US company? I doubt it! Could not get into InfoSys? Then blame your education and arrogance!
You need that Psychiatric treatment, I suggested to you sometime ago.
It is none of your dirty business if Sudha Murthy is elevated because she is rich. She was not a subject in this article. You bring in also Melinda Gates. Watch it, Gowdare, the Home Land Security will come knocking at your door.
@Garadi Mane
You addressed @Questo as ‘Gowdare’. That explains his prejudices.
This time he crossed the line.
Mental issues drive fuming against the rich and successful. A mix of : misogyny Sudha Murthy and Melinda Gates),, caste hatred: Sudha Murthy and her husband-Brahmins, success hatred: Nayeem, a successful doctor, Sudha Murthy and her husband, a successful pair run Infosys Foundation and Melinda Gates -Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Ripe for psychiatric care.
What you all are basically saying is that if your opinion differs from that of mine, I must be a misogynist, islamophobe, casteist, stupid, lunatic, lowly scum, etc etc.
Phew, get out of your casteist mindsets and stop with attacking me, instead attack my comments.
Human beings always make arguments on random persons and on random issues, often there is no personal stake. If you have a counter point, write that down otherwise move on and comment somewhere else. But stop hero(ine) worshipping and you will see things better.
FYI (@Nandini) a job at Infosys lies at lowest tier in the IT sector (it’s basically a sweatshop, along with TCS, Wipro.., who all made billions by severely underpaying their employees and make them work like slaves by exploiting their desperation for jobs). No one ever boasts about cracking Infosys, rofl.
And @Garadi Mane Questo (aka Gusto), stop with your stupid comments mate, they are boring and silly. Also, I am a not a Gowda (or maybe I am, I dont know). In the world, there are still human beings who admire and love the work of a good artist without thinking about his/her caste or religion or gender or nationality.
@Garadi Mane Questo
You are possibly the worst casteist I have come across all my life (online + offline too). Hope you never had the power to ruin lives and livelihoods, because I am sure if you had you would have used it on many non-Brahmans. And expand your caste knowledge, there are thousands of castes other than Brahmans and Gowdas.
It is very clear you have mental health issues. What you need is a psychiatrist.
If you are already on tablets, keep taking it.
It is very clear you have mental health issues. What you need is a psychiatrist.
If you are already on tablets, keep taking it.
First, apologies to the doctor for my comments above.
Second, I had to post it to lure @Questo, which I knew through those who know him and know of his prejudices, and mental issues in regards to those successful and rich, who are not Gowdas like him. He swallowed hook , line and sinker.
Now the SOM readers know who @Questo really is. There is a baggage of prejudices he carries with him.
I am not surprised some Indians like @Questo who come and work here in America, carry misogynistic tendency looking at women who are very successful. His thinking is so demented that he has not recognized that here in America, the image of a person is carefully built-you name any woman recognisable here, there is money involved in carefully building her persona. Interesting also that if this person @Questo is employed in a large company, the chances are that the company has outsourced some or all of their IT tasks to Infosys or Wipro. Also, you can be assured that @Questo is not a senior manager of any kind in any of the companies or organizations here, given e has time to post those objectionable comments.
I would have sympathised with his grievances of a low achiever, had he not been rude and shooting from his hip at Sudha Murthy. I have met her here in America and also Melinda Gates in a charity even. they are both very sincere, sympathetic to those less fortunate and try their best through their respective foundations to help.
Sudha Murthy and this doctor Nayeem are better persons compared to this psoter calling himself @Questo. What an ironic name for some one so prejudiced!
This @Questo, should be really ashamed of himself, by bringing Sudha Murthy in his criticism , while scoffing at this doctor, whose only crime was to narrate his experience.
Have we not seen the misogynistic harassment directed at Sindhuri, the female DC, by misogynistic thugs like @Questo?
I guess this @Questo lives here, in the US, and behaves like most H1B holders and recent Indian residents, jealous of what an Indian woman is able to achieve. I face the same issue in my group, of which I am the leader. These Indian men resent my success getting degrees from the Ivy universities, internships at well known companies etc.. The American men, the whites, a significant number of them on the right have misogynistic attitude like @Questo. There is a heavy pro-life lobby supported by them. We still do not have a woman president, while the ‘old world’ like Britain, the European Union and Germany has had female leaders.
It also seems @Quesco resents success, that means Sudha Murthy , a brilliant engineering graduate, and her husband equally brilliant postgraduate from Kanpur IIT, building a successful IT company, which pays good money for IT techies -not the IT sweatshop money, in Indian terms, way above what a professor in the Indian institute of science earns.
@Questo is simply an abhorrent person, who also resents this doctor’s successful columns.
Hello SOM readers
I am a newcomer here. Heard about this on-line publication from my New York friends. Loved the column by Girija Madhavan and the nostalgic account.
The SOM needs a few more female columnists and female posters too. It appears like a congregation of men.
Not surpriised at the outbursts of this character calling himself Questo, who seem to resent success per se. His comment on Sudha Murthy was uncalled for. So too about this doctor whose fault is to narrate his experience.
The poster Questo, definitely has issues, and needs to seek help asap. The SOM editor should have editing option to remove posters like Questo commenting on Sudha Murthy.
I agree, the same type of men harassed and insisted transfer of the DC Sindhuri, because she is a woman. They could not stand a woman DC, who has power! Call it: misogyny, jealousy or resentment towards successful people, it is still a very nasty streak which must be stamped on heavily.
The SOM editor, please take the lead and deny posters like Questo posting their prejudices.
You are the one hypocrite who promoted casteism.
You sure know that you are a Gowda and a relative of Kuvempu, who berates DVG, Ana Kru, Tarasu etc.., and ridicules vegetarians too. Sudha Murthy and her husband rose to the top by their own effort, unlike the son-in-law of Kuvempu appointed as the VC of the university named after his father-in-law by SM Krishna the then CM,-all meat-eating Gowdas like you!
I guess, you too benefitted by being a Gowda in so many ways.
Stop your ‘holier than thou’ crap. You are a vermin who practices casteism, misogyny , and has visceral hatred towards any one who are more successful than you.
Agree with posters. You have mental issues.
I am so happy that my comments have brought all the casteist pigs here and there are so many of them! No wonder smart non-Brahmans are leaving India at a 10x rate. How can anyone who is not a brahman in a private job live and grow when all those old people above him are all casteist Brahmans like the ones here (who got their jobs because no one else was educated in that era) and who promote only Brahmans. Indian institutions under these religious zealots will be scientifically just as poor as it has been for the last 5 centuries. Glad I escaped, hope many others escape before India becomes another Pakistan or Saudi, once again.
@Mann Ki Baat!
LoL, yeah sure… What do you think, people are stupid?
@Shantala @Nandini What you did there is called a cognitive bias. I criticized Sudha Murthy and somehow you assumed I hate Rohini Sindhuri too! Maybe you should check your biases first and I know I am cheapening myself a bit by saying this, but check my comments from the period when Rohini Sindhuri got attacked or some recent articles on the great Pratap Simha.
RoFL, dude (@Garadi Mane Questo and other variants), the lengths you go too, oh my god…. I can smell your stench miles away man. You write a word anywhere online, I will know it’s you. If I hear you speak a sentence, I will know it’s you. Pretending to be a woman now? How low can you go?
Oh fuck… when I said “Pretending to be a woman now? How low can you go?” in my last comment, @Shantala @Nandini, I didn’t mean what you are thinking right now. I know how it can be misinterpreted when it comes out of a man who is accused, falsely of course, of misogyny. I meant the other guy can go to any lengths and can even blatantly pretend to be a woman to make some silly point that I cant yet understand.
Editor – editor where art thou? Please moderate and edit this absolute pointless and nonsense postings……
I too will be accused of Masquerading as a woman by @Questo,tojustify his Misogyny. Well, may be , Nandini, Tara, me and Sudha Murthy should toil in the kitchen to cook and feed men like @Questo, like those Neanderthal women!
@Questo,just apologize for what you posted about Sudha Murthy and Dr Nayeem.
Your observation: ‘ No wonder smart non-Brahmans are leaving India at a 10x rate’ Really? Except Brahmins, there are reservation of seats in professional colleges and jobs for other so called backward castes in Mysuru. Brahmin candidates have to fight to secure their seats or jobs, competing for the rest 5% reserved for merit.
Your observation again: ‘How can anyone who is not a brahman in a private job live and grow when all those old people above him are all casteist Brahmans like the ones here (who got their jobs because no one else was educated in that era) and who promote only Brahmans’
I am laughing at the above comment, which are the reason educated Brahmins leave India! Ask, Sundaram Pichai, the Google CEO, a Brahmin from Chennai.
BTW, I was named after the novel wrote by KV Iyer. That makes me what?
@Tara Now, you are designated as a man,by @Questo.who can recognize only men!1
Om nama shivaya…
Nayeem sir wrote a normal article not related to caste and religion but comment section is full of hatred. I am fully confused by the comments because it looked like few brahmins hates gowdas, gowdas hates brahmins, men hates women, women hates muslims. Please stop now. You can go fight on streets. But do not disrespect our great men and women. They became great by hard work not by caste and whole India knows them. Tell me your real names and then disrespect these great Kannadigas if you have courage. You are all educated. shame on you. Even illiterate slum people are better than you. Change your dirty names first, questo, presto, garadi, vomit comes from pronouncing these names.
@Questo Gowda
“How can anyone who is not a brahman in a private job live and grow when all those old people above him are all casteist Brahmans like the ones here (who got their jobs because no one else was educated in that era) and who promote only Brahmans’
The very thoughts and ideology of your relative Kuvempu for opposing Sanskrit and English medium in high schools.The reason why you denigrated DVG, Ana Kru, TaraSu … The Gowdacat is out of the bag!
You belong to backward castes , and hence by-pass merit -based selection through a reservation quota in in professional colleges and jobs.
Can you name a top Brahmin VC or official or even a minister in Karnataka government?
@Guesto dislikes women and Muslims with the same virulence. T he former with is uncharitable his comment on Mrs Murthy ,a woman and the latter about Dr Nayeem, coupled by his remarks about India becoming Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Well, given that he left India, what do you think about his reasons for the above hatred? I leave it you to draw the inference.
BTW, the US is very tolerant of gays and Muslim women wearing hijabs in public, and there is Muslim House of Representative , wearing hijab.
Bill Gates’s daughter married a Muslim-an Egyptian, and under went Muslim marriage ceremony!
Barak Hussein Obama was a Muslim.
There you go @Questo Muslims are catching up with you there!
So, I am a man ,and @Nandini and @Shantala too, perhaps Rohini Sindhuri too , but merely wearing a saree, according to @Questo!
@Questo, who says he is a non-Brahmin, who earlier ridiculed casteism, and who says, he escaped India, detesting reservation of seats and jobs for Brahmins!
As @Nandini and @Shantala pointed out Brahmins are the only caste classified as forward caste with no reservations of any kind.
As for centuries India not progressing because of Brahmins, I am in my job here in the US, using Raman scattering as a tool in forensics. My friend an astronomer, a woman scientist of Indian origin uses the Chadrasekhar limit and dwarf stars, and a relative, an agricultural scientist-a woman uses Swaminathan’s approach in crop yields; all these were the contributions of Brahmin scientists. not to speak about Ramanujan , whose number theories are still being used today.
How about Bharata Ratna CNR Rao, a living scientist legend, a Brahmin? Venky Ramakrishnan, the current Nobel Laureate in LMB linking with IISC, a vegetarian with a Jewish wife, who respects him as a Brahmin.
@Questo simply hates all achievers,. Small man ,worthy of neglect. What are his achievements in US , where he lives?
Hello all
I am the original Questo, who posted respectable posts. I have been busy for a number of months, and this made an imposter take my name (moniker) to post abusive replies bringing in Sudha Murthy and unfairly commenting on Dr Nayeem.
I can only express my apologies, as my name was used in these posts. I have also posted an apologies as a reply to an article , the 4th in series of ‘Mysore,a medical city’
@Nandini,@Tara, Sorry for the distress caused by a person using my name.
Thanks and best wishes.
Thanks. I knew there was something not normal with that @Questo, who sounded as maniacal.
Thanks. I knew there was something not normal with that @Questo, who sounded as maniacal.