Mysore/Mysuru: Ahead of Lok Sabha Polls, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah visited the Suttur Mutt at the foot of Chamundi Hill here this morning and sought the blessings of Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Swamiji. Later speaking to presspersons, Siddaramaiah was highly critical of Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s statement that the Karnataka Government only is to be blamed…
Moonlight Concert held at Suttur Mutt in city
April 3, 2024Ustad Sarfaraz Khan and Ustad Faraz Khan presenting a vocal duet as part of the 265th edition of the monthly moonlight music (Beladingala Sangeetha) at Suttur Mutt at the foot of Chamundi Hill in city on Mar. 25. They are accompanied by Pandit Veerabhadraiah Hiremath on harmonium and Pandit Sumit Nayak on tabla.
Moonlight concert at Suttur Mutt
March 23, 2024Mysore/Mysuru: Ustad Sarfaraz Khan and Ustad Faraz Khan will present a vocal duet as part of the 265th edition of the monthly moonlight music (Beladingala Sangeetha) at Suttur Mutt at the foot of Chamundi Hill in the city at 6 pm on Mar.25. The Khan Brothers come from a musical background family. Their grandfather Ustad…
Moonlight Music at Suttur Mutt
February 22, 2024Mysore/Mysuru: Vid. Kunnakudi M. Balamuralikrishna will be presenting a vocal concert at Suttur Mutt, foot of Chamundi Hill, at 6 pm on Feb. 24 as part of the Mutt’s Monthly Moonlight Music-264. He will be accompanied by Vid. H.N. Bhaskar (violin), Vid. Arjun Kumar (mridanga) and Vid. G.S. Ramanujam (ghata).
Grand procession marks 1064th Jayanti of Sri Shivarathreeshwara Shivayogi
January 11, 2024Suttur Seer fetes Javagal Srinath and others Suttur (Nanjangud): A grand procession, accompanied by a host of folk troupes and featuring a decorated Sarot carrying Seers of different Mutts, marked the 1064th Jayanti celebration of Suttur Mutt Founder Adijagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Shivayogi Swamiji at Suttur Srikshetra in Nanjangud taluk yesterday. The event also saw a…
Special Angklung concert at Suttur Mutt on Dec. 26
December 24, 2023Mysore/Mysuru: Dr. H.S. Anasuya Kulkarni will be presenting a special Angklung (an Indonesian bamboo instrument) Concert at Suttur Mutt, foot of Chamundi Hill, in city on Dec. 26 at 6 pm, as part of the Mutt’s Monthly Moonlight Music-262 programme. She will be accompanied by Vid. N.N. Ganesh on violin, Vid. H.L. Shivashankaraswamy on mridanga…
Flute recital at Suttur Mutt
November 28, 2023Renowned flautist Pandit Pravin Godkhindi presenting a flute recital at monthly Moonlight Music programme-261 at Suttur Mutt, foot of Chamundi Hill, in city yesterday. He is accompanied by his brother Pandit Kiran Godkhindi on tabla.
Flute recital at Suttur Mutt
November 12, 2023Vid. C.S. Keshava Chandra presenting a flute recital at Suttur Mutt at the foot of Chamundi Hill in city on Oct. 28 as part of the Monthly Moonlight Music Programme-260. He is accompanied by Vid. Narendra Sharma on mridanga, Vid. M.R. Manjunath on ghata and Vidu. C.V. Shruthi on violin.
Moonlight music concert held at Suttur Mutt
September 4, 2023Vidu. Spoorthi Rao presenting a vocal concert at Suttur Mutt in the foot of Chamundi Hill as part of the monthly moonlight music programme-258 on Aug. 31. She was accompanied by Vidu. C.V. Shruthi on violin, Vid. K.V. Prasad on mridanga and Vid. Sharat Kaushik on ghata.
Chief Minister praises service to society by Suttur Mutt
August 29, 2023Siddharamaiah inaugurates 108th Jayanthi celebrations of Jagadguru Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji Mysore/Mysuru: Chief Minister Siddharamaiah inaugurated the 108th Jayanthi celebrations of the late Suttur Mutt seer, Jagadguru Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji, at Suttur Mutt located at the base of Chamundi Hill this morning. Addressing the gathering, Siddharamaiah expressed his pleasure at participating in…
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