It was this day, nay this very evening, 47 years ago that STAR OF MYSORE was born in this city as an Evening English Newspaper. Happily it continues to be your favourite eveninger. From this evening, we will be entering 48th year of publication. And as we do so, we gratefully remember all those who …
Thank You
February 16, 2024It was this day, nay this very evening, 46 years ago that Star of Mysore was born in this city as an Evening English Newspaper. Happily it continues to be your favourite eveninger. From this evening, we will be entering 47th year of publication. And as we do so, we gratefully remember all those who…
Thank You
February 16, 2023It was this day, nay this very evening, 45 years ago that Star of Mysore was born in this city as an Evening English Newspaper. Happily it continues to be your favourite eveninger. From this evening, we will be entering 46th year of our publication. And as we do so, we gratefully remember all those…
Thank You
February 16, 2021It was this day, nay this very evening, 43 years ago that Star of Mysore was born in this city as an Evening English Newspaper. Happily it continues to be your favourite eveninger. From this evening, we will be entering 44th year of our publication. And as we do so, we gratefully remember all those…
Forewarned is forearmed
April 9, 2020The term virus, understood so far by an infinitesimal fraction of humanity across the world has witnessed universal familiarity during the past few months, thanks to the notorious organism identified as COVID-19. Even the unlettered masses in the country may have begun to know what it means by asking questions and learning about the factors…
Country’s Corona Curve
April 8, 2020Graphic representations of the cosmic dance of Coronavirus as it were, currently christened as COVID-19, in the form of curves while reporting the numbers of its victims in different countries across the world, including India, are expected to flatten in the days and weeks ahead. Keen observers of the goings on are in their rights…
People’s pleasing profile
April 4, 2020Self-praising and self-degrading habits are known to lead to enthusiasm and depression respectively. Also, facing crisis situations and succumbing to stress, often self-created, depend on one’s preparedness ahead of the contingency. Asking anybody to be prepared in dealing with viruses in general and Covid-19 in particular is sure to be dismissed as naive. The saying…
Administration amends Aam janata adjusts
April 3, 2020The issue of providing good governance in the country has just turned tougher than in normal times, thanks to the pandemic in almost all countries across the world. Invoking the nation’s Constitution, making pointed references to the multitude of provisions stated in the script, also has posed problems even to the experts in legal practice,…
Courage conquers crisis
April 2, 2020Global scenario, particularly in the self-declared developed countries and that in India are strikingly contrasting on many counts in the ongoing Covid-triggered crisis. The vast differences in the pace of its spread, number of victims testing positive and fatalities in the countries of Europe as well as America compared to the respective phenomena in India…
Home-bound for homework
April 1, 2020In an act of empathy for the cause of children in primary schools of Karnataka, the Minister for Primary and Secondary Education in the State Government prescribed not too long ago to the teacher fraternity not to burden the children with homework, adding to two other measures of keeping the weight of the school bag…
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