Yesterday Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined BJP President Amit Shah at a press conference called by the latter. Many of us hoped the journalists would ask him questions and PM Modi would destroy those questions with élan, deploying his abundance of confidence, cache of facts and inimitable sarcasm but nothing happened ! All we got…
In quest of the vanishing sparrow !
May 17, 2019By Dr. K. Javeed Nayeem, MD The humble house sparrow may only be a very tiny speck in our environment but it has remained a very integral part of man’s existence over the years. And, like the faithful dog it may perhaps have moved with man in his evolution from being a forest denizen to…
Racing Ahead… Set your own goals
May 16, 2019By N.K.A. Ballal, Retd. Sr. Vice-President, ITDC A beautiful message I saw in my WhatsApp. I thought of sharing it with SOM readers: I was jogging this morning and I noticed a person about half-a-km ahead. I could guess he was running a little slower than me and that made me feel good. I said…
India’s great reformer Modi
May 15, 2019He is changing the politics and economics of India after 72 years of Independence When the American weekly news magazine TIME dated May 20, 2019 came out with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s photograph on the cover with the title India’s Divider In Chief, a vast majority of Modi loyalists apparently did not approve of the…
Pet Talk
May 15, 2019In this week’s Pet Talk, Maneka gives tips on training rabbit and deodorising the rabbit cage and keeping the home smell rabbit-free. By Maneka Gandhi How do I litter train my rabbit? You can litter-train your bunny, but, spaying or neutering must come first. It is almost impossible to litter train an unspayed or unneutered…
The transmitter of civilisation
May 14, 2019By T.J.S. George In the way he lived and interacted with others in everyday life, N.R. Madhava Menon was a very ordinary man. His extraordinariness came out when his mind opened up. He pioneered a new approach to law education which at once became the standard across the country. The very name he coined, Law…
Stop Officers from Politics?
May 11, 2019Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday, 8th May, claimed that former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi used aircraft carrier INS Viraat like it was his personal taxi to go on a holiday to Lakshadweep. That there was a holiday is a fact. But the question is about logistics. While former Navy Chief Admiral Laxminarayan Ramdas weighed…
Selling the Past… in the Present!
May 10, 2019By Dr. K. Javeed Nayeem, MD I spotted him sitting on the roadside near the gate of the Catholic Centre on T.N. Narasimha Murthy Circle which is more popularly known as Millennium Circle. Yes, there are a few landmarks like that in our city which are almost unknown by their officially given names simply because…
“Na Khaunga, Na Khane Doonga…”
May 9, 2019By N.K.A. Ballal, Retd. Sr. Vice-President, ITDC When Narendra Modi uttered the famous slogan ‘Na Khaunga, Na Khane Doonga’ (neither will I indulge in corruption, nor allow anyone else to indulge in it), the nation was thrilled. For a nation used to corruption at all levels, this was something new. For a few months there…
Why do the rich turn terrorist ?
May 7, 2019By T.J.S. George The suicide bombers, who wreaked havoc in Sri Lanka, were all set to strike in Kerala too. Clearly, networks exist without borders and contacts are continuous. The ISIS, alleged to be the main player in the attacks, has links in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The Lankan ally which actually pulled the trigger,…
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